haha! Glad you did that then, I liked that bit of the solo, and when I heard it with the double kicks... i wont lie... I jizzed a little 

But some synths at the TADA!! velvet lines would be badass for sure...do you want to take care of that or shall I see If I can come up with something?
I'm not a huge fan of subdrops at all (everything else than 0 is supergay lol) but maybe it gives some punch to the start....
hey guys, so sorry i haven't chimed in on the thread, but as Dan said i've been working on the bass tracks, i've been going along with just the drums as they were on wednesday, but tonight i'm gonna d/l the last update Mago threw on here and record to that in case theres any change in feel. I'm also questing to find my decent picks as i started with a purple tortex (not my usual bass pick).
Mago: just to make sure its still cool, i'm just sending you a DI yes?? you have no problem putting the bass through whatevers needed??
PM'ed you about the Synths Anssi!
Dani: Cool about the bass!
A pity about Lauren.....the only one I know who could do this would be my GF, but I dunno if you want female Vocals on that cover?
Maybe you should contact that guy!
I'm also questing to find my decent picks
hell yeah bass greatness is to come then! I'm half drunk and I never drink... I love you guizeeeee
The chordenlargement would sound cool, but I think it gets a bit difficult, and Im not that strong with that kind of chord stuff tbh