Here's a Joe & a Johnny version!
Overall Joe's version works a bit better imo, mostly because it seems he took a bit more time for it than you Johnny, which is perfectly understandable because you were nice enough to chime in on the vocals because we couldnt reach Joe!
Also Joe's chain was a bit easier to work with. Non the less I think that bouth version durned out awesome, and tomorrow I'll work on an EPIC version with bouth of you in there

Gonna see if I can finally make one with my girl too^^
Bear in mind that I havent slept much theses days (got a lot of DI editing to do for my bands album, various artworks going on too) so volumes are all over the place maybe, but you get the idea of the sound itself.
Also not much automation going on yet (vocals will need it).
Also not sure about Rev, guess it will be a bit loud still.
Pseudomastered it (dunno if someone will master it in the end, or is it up to me too?) so its loud
Great Job guys! Allready tried to blend some shit together, it sounds HUGE haha