Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: 2.

Q: What foreign language you would like to learn?
A: Svenska, Spanish, Latin, Russian, and maybe French.

Q: What do you think of the Live Damage DVD (if you have seen it). If not, what are your fears?
A: Because your mind is on... KOEKJE!

Q: How was your day?
A: Don't have class today. I must do a speech for speech class tomorrow. Which is teh sux. I still need to memorize 20+ lines from Hamlet. Uggh!

Q: How did you hear about Ultimate Metal?
A: There's a chain of pizza restaurants called "Papa John's" It is less greasy and seems more healthier than most pizzas I've ever eaten. I rarely eat pizza, but I usually make an exception to Papa John's. As for toppings, I can take anything but anchovies.

Q: Is the glass of beer half empty or half full?
A: For a Finn, glass of beer is always half empty. :p If it were, say, a glass of medicin (is there liquid medicins?) it would be half full.

Q: If you got to be any character from any book for a day, which one would it be?
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A: Galactus from the Marvel Comics :lol:

It reminds me now, of reading fairy tales when I was a little boy. I used to wish I was the prince (or such character).. because at the end of the story he was always the happiest man in the world.. and if anyone makes fun of me for having just said that I'll kill 'im!! : p

Q: If you could go back in time to witness an event (you have no interaction with it, you can't change anything.. it's strictly observational) What would this be?
A: The DT gig, one year minus 5 days ago.

Q: So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why am I lone and why do I feel that
I carry a sword through a battlefield?
A: Because that's the way esta vida malparida es muchas veces y la mayoria del tiempo no hay nada que podamos hacer para controlar sentimientos y pensamientos por mucho que creamos que podemos.

Q: What's your biggest fear in life?

Uhh... I just kinda rolled thoughts right onto the keyboard...
A. life itself

Q. on scale 1-10, how would you rate the quality of your life (in general, not just this moment)

edit: I guess I was just a little slower then delerious.. sorry

Biggest hope would be that things turn out better for me in the future then what it has been so far
A: in general, 10, because i'm just fucking lucky being born in a "1st world" country.

Q: what do you want to convey to your grandchildren? any ideas?
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