Official "Sports" thread

D'oh, you're right! Thanks for the correction. I'll correct my post.

Piiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss...Germany vs. England is during Seattle's yearly Gay Parade March...and I'm marching in it. Oh well. Go England. I'll be partying it up with the drag queens instead.
fuck, fuck. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! What a lousy performance!!! It started well, but that madafaka Bravo did something totally unnecessary!...I've already screamed and said all kind of shit, but we need to focus on the next match v/s BRAZIL. fuck!!!! btw, I'm NOT happy at all.

Yeah, not a very good game, with lots of unnecessary fouls from Chile. I'm sure they'll do better against Brazil :) .

D'oh, you're right! Thanks for the correction. I'll correct my post.

Piiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss...Germany vs. England is during Seattle's yearly Gay Parade March...and I'm marching in it. Oh well. Go England. I'll be partying it up with the drag queens instead.

Maybe you can ask the drag queens to watch the game too? Not that I'm homosexual, but there should be gay parades here. Costa Rica is having a referendum to see if we should "allow" people of the same sex be legally married. Which is simply stupid because there shouldn't be a referendum for this. At all. By Woden why are most politicians cavemen/women?
Maybe you can ask the drag queens to watch the game too? Not that I'm homosexual, but there should be gay parades here. Costa Rica is having a referendum to see if we should "allow" people of the same sex be legally married. Which is simply stupid because there shouldn't be a referendum for this. At all. By Woden why are most politicians cavemen/women?

Perhaps I can duck into some place to watch it before the march takes off. It'll probably run late.

And that referendum? Bizarre. But then again, we in the USA should talk :)
Yeah, it's only legal in California right?

Oddly, no! No longer! Repealed by the wills of the voter. But the couples that were married during that time when it was legal, are still 'married'.

Without this turning into a massive derail about gay marriage, I'll list the state where it's legal and quasi legal in the US:

Completely legal, and it's a 'marriage', both recognized and performed: Massachusetts
Washington DC
New Hampshire
The Coquille Indian Tribe of Oregon (but not the state of Oregon itself), and at least one spouse must be a member of the Coquille Indian Tribe for it to be performed.

Was legal, but no longer: California. Yeah, thanks, you dolts.

Is recognized as legal, but can't be performed: New York
Rhode Island

Is legal as a 'civil union', but not called 'marriage': Washington State (different from Washington DC).

It's a complex topic, but there it is in a nutshell.

But there's football to watch! :hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:
Oddly, no! No longer! Repealed by the wills of the voter. But the couples that were married during that time when it was legal, are still 'married'.

Without this turning into a massive derail about gay marriage, I'll list the state where it's legal and quasi legal in the US:

Completely legal, and it's a 'marriage', both recognized and performed: Massachusetts
Washington DC
New Hampshire
The Coquille Indian Tribe of Oregon (but not the state of Oregon itself), and at least one spouse must be a member of the Coquille Indian Tribe for it to be performed.

Was legal, but no longer: California. Yeah, thanks, you dolts.

Is recognized as legal, but can't be performed: New York
Rhode Island

Is legal as a 'civil union', but not called 'marriage': Washington State (different from Washington DC).

It's a complex topic, but there it is in a nutshell.

But there's football to watch! :hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:

Thanks for the info!
Aw, bummed for S. Korea. :( But Uruguay haven't been here since 1970, so that's nice for them. Still, though S. Korea was a better team, honestly. It's possible that this is *good* for the US if we can take out Ghana today.

So. Much. Fucking. Angst. Haha. I get too emotional about this stuff.
The Coquille Indian Tribe of Oregon (but not the state of Oregon itself), and at least one spouse must be a member of the Coquille Indian Tribe for it to be performed.

Can one actually become a tribe member? :D

edit: Oh, gay marriage is not yet legal in here. And I thought it had been legal for years... It's only possible if you change gender during a regular marriage...
Can one actually become a tribe member? :D

edit: Oh, gay marriage is not yet legal in here. And I thought it had been legal for years... It's only possible if you change gender during a regular marriage...

Oh, wirklich? Es nützt nichts.

Und morgen… oh mein Hertz.

Oh and…


What s great match! Ghana dominated the first half, US the second. Ghana scored in the first extra time, but by the second one US was simply too tired to continue; they started making really weird mistakes due to fatigue. Donovan is, I agree, a great player, but besides that US didn't have much to offer.

So it'll be Ghana vs Uruguay, go Ghana!!!

And tomorrow, oh Gott. My bet goes to Deutschland, England hasn't been very good this cup. Let's see how it goes, it should be an interesting game.

Mexico should be an easy prey for Argentina, I'm sure the latter will win.
New rule! Team that beats USA gets to take over our national debt! Congratulations Ghana!

Now for the bitchy sore loser rant: SERIOUSLY, while the US didn't play like the could ('cause really, they looked good for about 30 minutes of the two halves). Every single decision except for ONE went Ghana's way. The way the played at the end of the game was completely childish and it makes me really NOT want to cheer them on or even congratulate them.

Also, TV4 fucking sucks. Bad announcers, bad commentators, and totally worthless analysis. "Tillägs tid för vadå?!" Jävla idiot. Honestly.

Was a good game! Ghana's 2 goals came on EPIC defensive breakdowns by USA's defenders. USA defense has been its problem for a long time; we've been able to develop great strikers and goalies, but man, our defense just hasn't improved over the years. We need to get Dwight Howard and LeBron James to switch careers, because until we get the man-beasts who are funneled into basketball and football to play soccer, we're never going to develop top defenders.

To be honest, Ghana should have got a red card in the last 10 minutes. When that player faked an injury to burn like four minutes off the clock, he should have been red carded. That Mexican ref gave someone a yellow earlier in the tourney for doing just that, if I'm correct (or was it a red in the Copa de America?). That was dirty, dirty, dirty Italian-style soccer at its worst. They need to start giving retroactive red cards for diving. That was embarrassing and I hope that Uruguay smashes Ghana next game. They marred a hard-earned victory with an astonishing display of acting. Very lamentable. I understand that they want to delay as much as possible, but when you have three instances of injury faking to burn time... I'm sure it won't happen again in the cup, thanks to Ghana today. Everyone noticed it, it was too egregious. The refs are going to be given notice of it by FIFA.

Germany should dispatch a disorganized England tomorrow, and Mexico should get hammered by Argentina (who I still think is going to win the cup).
I'm OK with the Ghana win. They played better than us, and the USA had so many chances to score and they just didn't do it. And overall, Ghana is the better team. It was an outstanding game to watch.

Turns out that I may be able to catch England vs. Germany tomorrow after all; the game starts before Pride starts. But, I'm also going to a Twilight Film Fest tonight (yeah, I know, but it's free) so I don't know how much energy I'll have for it tomorrow.

Oh, one thing did bother me today - some guy went to the coffee shop that I watched the game at, hogged the entire table I was sharing with his laptop, wouldn't let me put my drink down on the table, and then started to whine about the crowds and noise. Well, perhaps if you didn't go to the ONE coffee shop in the ENTIRE CITY that is COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO SOCCER AND HAS BEEN PLAYING EVERY SINGLE GAME OF OF EVERY SINGLE MATCH THAT THEY POSSIBLY CAN, you would probably have a better experience trying to code your precious spreadsheets while the rest of us are trying to watch a game. Really? This is Seattle. You couldn't have picked any of the other 583578755739029710701 coffee shops in the neighborhood? At least I found another table where the occupants weren't complete douches, and I could put my tea down while I watched the game. It's like going to a metal show, and complaining that the music is loud. Dude.
I'm OK with the Ghana win. They played better than us, and the USA had so many chances to score and they just didn't do it. And overall, Ghana is the better team. It was an outstanding game to watch.
I actually don't think that Ghana is the better team. I think the US could have easily won that game and frankly, given the way they played in the second half, should have won that game. Anyway, if anything those teams are a lot more evenly matched. Man on man, Ghana might have more technically skilled players in some key positions, but the US is better going forward than Ghana. It's just that they have a weak midfield and a basically new back 4. And honestly, Howard was shockingly bad in goal today. Particularly the first goal from Petulant Prince was something he should've had.

Also, the faking injuries should've drawn cards. I couldn't believe it, by that time I was just hopping fucking furious, but the US was running on fumes I don't think it would've made a difference.
Was a good game! Ghana's 2 goals came on EPIC defensive breakdowns by USA's defenders. USA defense has been its problem for a long time; we've been able to develop great strikers and goalies, but man, our defense just hasn't improved over the years. We need to get Dwight Howard and LeBron James to switch careers, because until we get the man-beasts who are funneled into basketball and football to play soccer, we're never going to develop top defenders.

To be honest, Ghana should have got a red card in the last 10 minutes. When that player faked an injury to burn like four minutes off the clock, he should have been red carded. That Mexican ref gave someone a yellow earlier in the tourney for doing just that, if I'm correct (or was it a red in the Copa de America?). That was dirty, dirty, dirty Italian-style soccer at its worst. They need to start giving retroactive red cards for diving. That was embarrassing and I hope that Uruguay smashes Ghana next game. They marred a hard-earned victory with an astonishing display of acting. Very lamentable. I understand that they want to delay as much as possible, but when you have three instances of injury faking to burn time... I'm sure it won't happen again in the cup, thanks to Ghana today. Everyone noticed it, it was too egregious. The refs are going to be given notice of it by FIFA.

Germany should dispatch a disorganized England tomorrow, and Mexico should get hammered by Argentina (who I still think is going to win the cup).

I agree that the last minutes Ghana played in a very Italia style, but as Qu Appelle said, Ghana was a better team. Anyhow, the US wasn't even playing in the final minutes, so no real point in complaining about that.

I'm OK with the Ghana win. They played better than us, and the USA had so many chances to score and they just didn't do it. And overall, Ghana is the better team. It was an outstanding game to watch.

Turns out that I may be able to catch England vs. Germany tomorrow after all; the game starts before Pride starts. But, I'm also going to a Twilight Film Fest tonight (yeah, I know, but it's free) so I don't know how much energy I'll have for it tomorrow.

Oh, one thing did bother me today - some guy went to the coffee shop that I watched the game at, hogged the entire table I was sharing with his laptop, wouldn't let me put my drink down on the table, and then started to whine about the crowds and noise. Well, perhaps if you didn't go to the ONE coffee shop in the ENTIRE CITY that is COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO SOCCER AND HAS BEEN PLAYING EVERY SINGLE GAME OF OF EVERY SINGLE MATCH THAT THEY POSSIBLY CAN, you would probably have a better experience trying to code your precious spreadsheets while the rest of us are trying to watch a game. Really? This is Seattle. You couldn't have picked any of the other 583578755739029710701 coffee shops in the neighborhood? At least I found another table where the occupants weren't complete douches, and I could put my tea down while I watched the game. It's like going to a metal show, and complaining that the music is loud. Dude.

:lol: love the last part! Although I usually try to wear earplugs at gigs, and most musicians actually do wear them.
Not that I'm defending Ghana here, but where we sat in the coffee shop, I couldn't tell if the Ghana Team were faking injuries or not. But that last one where the Ghana player was taken off on a stretcher - was that deemed as faked or not?
:lol: love the last part! Although I usually try to wear earplugs at gigs, and most musicians actually do wear them.

Oh yeah - I wear earplugs as well. Because I know that it's going to be loud, and I prepare myself. If Spreadsheet Guy at least conceded that perhaps now was not the best time to geek out and shared the table, I wouldn't have had an issue. I couldn't even tell if he was into the game or not. It just struck me as incredibly dickish.
Why do you keep saying Ghana was the better team... they're not... position by position, especially missing their best player, they're definitely not better than the US on paper.

They were the better team TODAY, because you're playing with fire when your defense is so poor and disorganized. But Ghana's defense is no real big obstacle, either. It came down to who had worse defensive breakdowns. Soccer gods gave them the bounces!

You can't objectively say Ghana has a more talented team than the US. Period. The difference in talent between the two teams is not marginal enough to make the case for Ghana.

But they won today! Good for them. All that matters is today, and they move on.
Why do you keep saying Ghana was the better team... they're not... position by position, especially missing their best player, they're definitely not better than the US on paper.

They were the better team TODAY, because you're playing with fire when your defense is so poor and disorganized. But Ghana's defense is no real big obstacle, either. It came down to who had worse defensive breakdowns. Soccer gods gave them the bounces!

You can't objectively say Ghana has a more talented team than the US. Period. The difference in talent between the two teams is not marginal enough to make the case for Ghana.

But they won today! Good for them. All that matters is today, and they move on.

Quoted for truth.