"Oh, i like metal to man!"

Dec 27, 2004
Dude i dunno if anyone else gets this at parties...but it seems like because i have long hair and wear tight pants everyone wants to tell me how rock n roll they are, even though there wearing baggy trousers and an ecko shirt...just like
"Dude il ike ramstein, and metallica, and guns n roses" etc etc, trying to relate to my music...damn, there my friends and shit, but it happens ALL THE TIME.

..though also what happens is I get used by hot chicks that want to hook up with somone thats "different" and that on the other hand doesn't bother me ONE BIT.
oh woops i spelled their as there, IM GONA FUCKING DIE AND OMG PEOPLE CAN'T READ IT! OHNOOEEZZ!
okok i get it i get it you don't like me etc you take pride in being a cocksucker therefor hardass blahbalbhalh

now back to the post.
anyone else ever get that?
as soon as you will cut your hair those chicks will be gone with the wind ... enjoy it now papi :D
i don't, because i don't feel the need to wear clothes that supposedly reflect my taste in music

good luck picking up men in your tight jeans though
"This dude NAD, he listens to some weird shit."

That's about the extent of it.
haha, that happens as well, but its more like "Tully you listen to that kill your mom rape your dog shit". But I think we have all heard that one.
getting my hair pulled out by someone incompetent at basic communication is one of my ultimate fantasies
I don't really care because I don't get it alot. But when it does...

I hate it when poseurs give me the horns thinking that they're as metal as I am (not to be pretentious or anything, but they think that it's some salute and by doing it to me they that means they're "in the scene" or some shit) and greeting me in appropriate fashion, when in reality all I want to do is rip their head off and shove their St. Anger CDs up their ass.