Only Metal?


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Last night while conversing with a friend that listens all various genres, I was asked why do metalheads usually only listen to metal. For Example, most people that listen to hardcore, grind, and screamo shit also listen to some metal, rock, hip hop, or what ever, and metal is only a part of music as a whole.

My thoughts were that when a person start listening to metal, a person gets spoiled with the compexities and technicallities, and since metal is so varied its easy not to get bored with metal. I know not all metalheads just listen to just metal, but alot people think, as well as me, that most of band we listen to are boring and do not write interesting music. I do enjoy some rock bands and other bands, but I find myself listen to metal about eighty to ninety percent of the time.

Why do metalheads do this? I know my response to his question wasn't what he was looking for, but he made me curious.... disucuss...
because metal happens to be the only music genre i enjoy. since i don't know shit about music, i can't appreciate what i don't like
Well, your answer's a good one. But I personally still get bored with metal (or just "skilled" music), though it's a varied and complex form of music. Metal lacks the simplicity and calmness that a lot of folk music contains and the instant refreshing quality that poppier genres of music contain. I suppose I could listen to more folk metal and power metal... but those genres just don't appeal to me as much.

I think one thing is is that it's easy for metal fans to get very pretentious with their tastes. I see a lot of metal fans simply closing off entire genres because they deem the abilities of the musicians void. And while there ARE many types of music that require less skill in instrumentation, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's easy to write great songs.

Also, it seems that most metalheads can't stick with JUST metal for so long. I think a lot of even the most conceited metalheads eventually begin to gain interest in other "skilled" and less popular genres such as classical and jazz. But I digress, everyone is different... And I'm sure if you don't listen to that much music in general, metal could serve your needs for a very long time.
I don't know why they do this because I'm not one of them. I'm not even sure I would consider myself a metalhead. When I look at my CD shelves (400+ CDs) I think metal only makes up about 40% or so (I have them more or less sorted by genre so it's easy to tell). The rest is comprised of genres such as rock (all kinds of), industrial, electronic/ambient and some hiphop. I own more metal CDs than I own any other genre, but it doesn't make up the majority of my collection.

Personally I just like variety and I think there are plenty of aspects of music that I like that metal simply doesn't have to offer. And I like having a music collection that has something for whatever mood I could possibly be in. I don't really understand how anyone could listen to just one genre of music, personally. Eventhough metal is a pretty broad genre with very different sub genres, in the end they are still built on the same foundation.
I think one reason is the wealth of sub-genres... really metal has it all, i mean what other type of music has a diversity of sub-genres that range from folk to death. Although sometimes i find metal can get a bit too much, if i'm in a calm mood I enjoy listening to some classic rock or decent acustic indie.
Its interesting that you mention boredom - I don't listen to metal as a means to cure my boredom. Anyone who uses music, art or any other intellectual exercise to relieve themselves of their dull lives really has only a transient interest in it. This is, potentially, the reason why those with an interest in metal need not go beyond it. Instead of using it as a negative experience to cure boredom, it can be used as a positive one -as an intellectual experience, a journey, or to discover things about life or about oneself. Of course, I can't say this for all of metal, or even 2-3% of metal bands out there, but nor can I say it for any other form of music. Many people still listen to metal as decoration or background music, so I may be completely wrong.
I try not to limit myself to just metal. I listen to a good deal of jazz, blues, classical and folk music as well as (dark)ambient stuff.
For me I listen to metal about 95% of the time and when I get bored with it I will just buy some new stuff, and I always have bands that I am ready to buy there cd if I need something new. For instants I was getting tired of my music so I bought an Arcturus cd wich was very different and something new and great. Sometimes I listen to some rap like Dr.Dre, Ice Cube and old shool shit like that. Although I dont own any classical music I still enjoy listening to it. Also with my metal I have such a variety of genres I hardly ever get tired of it. As for shit like grindcore and punk I fucking hate that shit so much and will never listen to it.
I have always tried to be as diverse as possible in music. metal makes up 10-15% of my collection. The rest is progressive rock (no matter how you define it), jazz, classical, electronica, ect. ultimatly, I come back to metal because it satisfies my personality. I enjoy darkness and extremly emotional music. The reason that metal is such a small part of my collection even though I listen to it 50% of the time is that most good metal I can return to over and over again and discover new things.
unknown said:
I try not to limit myself to just metal. I listen to a good deal of jazz, blues, classical and folk music as well as (dark)ambient stuff.
^^ minus the Jazz and Blues.
Metal is the only thing I can get into, except for a few hardcore and punk bands that have some things in common with metal. Most other music is too soft, happy, or upbeat for me. Rock is generally too soft and upbeat for me, and I don't like hip hop because I really can't relate to it, and I just don't like it for some reason.
hibernal_dream said:
to discover things about life or about oneself.

I'm curious as to what you've learned about life or about yourself through listening to music besides your general reaction to the music itself. Just curious, not being a dick.
To me, metal is very addicting. Yes, I'm a metal addict, but I do listen to other types of music to slow down the euphoria, kind of like a nicotine patch.
90% of the time I listen to metal, to me it is the most interesting genre of music. I listen to Reggae and Jazz also and those two genres don't keep my attention.
I listen to metal about 90% of the time, like most other posters on this thread, but I feel the need to be cultured and to intellectually challenge myself, that's why I listen to classical and jazz as well. Other times, I just want mindless entertainment, and that's why I enjoy blues, rock, reggae, rap, and country. I'll listen to almost any music so long as it isn't commercial. However, you can't really wear out metal music - it's constantly changing.