Opeth And Age Groups?


New Metal Member
Dec 28, 2008
Do you think Opeth appeals to older people too? I know a lot of people my age (15) that are into Opeth... but are they just a fad or do older people like them too?

PS I really enjoy porcelain heart:notworthy
Id say it appeals to more of the older generation than the younger for a few reasons. For one, the younger generation aren't exposed to much of Opeth because it isn't commercial..... and it also may be musically/conceptually out of their grasp. Also, a lot of Mikael's influence is from past generations....and that would appeal to the older fan base as well.
I was pretty surprised at the results of the 'post your age' thread that was here a while back. The vast majority of people on this forum are in their teens (which would explain why this forum is so craptacular).

I never would have thought it before, but now I'm thinking that most Opeth fans are very young. But they do have something about them that appeals to all ages.
yeah, Im 14 but ive been listening to them since I was 11, but im pretty much the only person that i know that is into Opeth besides my dad and the bassist from my band.
I was pretty surprised at the results of the 'post your age' thread that was here a while back. The vast majority of people on this forum are in their teens (which would explain why this forum is so craptacular).

I never would have thought it before, but now I'm thinking that most Opeth fans are very young. But they do have something about them that appeals to all ages.

Just because most of the people who posted on this thread were teens, it doesn't mean most Opeth fans are teens.
Well my dad is 55 and he loves Damnation (and their other soft stuff, he just can't handle the growls :( ) I'd think anyone of that generation who was into Pink Floyd and all the other 70's prog rock would appreciate a lot of what Opeth has to offer.

From fans I've met at Opeth gigs I've seen a huge range of ages, and most of them are nice guys to chat to about music.
Well, I'm 43 and have loved Opeth for quite a while now...I did notice at the recent London gig that there was a real mixture of age groups, male/female, black/white/asian...etc...something for everyone in Opeth I think!
Just because most of the people who posted on this thread were teens, it doesn't mean most Opeth fans are teens.

Exactly. I believe there are many, many fans of Opeth who are atleast in their 20s or 30s, but they don't necessarily come to the forum. I think that the younger fans (like me, 17) are much more likely to join the band forums in general.

I don't know many Opeth fans, but I can say that most of my friends of same age hate them. I do know a couple of guys who are older.
I'm 54 and when I go see them live I am usually the oldest one there but I have seen some other old farts like myself headbanging to GOP too.
The growls and the words are what make this great music friggin fantastic. I think Opeth's appeal has more to do with how talented and prolific Mike and company
apply their craft. Great writing skills.
I'm 36 and I've been a fan since I was 22 (16 years now if you're too lazy to do math). Doesn't look like I'll stop liking them anytime soon. I wasn't much into Pink Floyd, etc, but I've bee listening to death metal and the somewhat more progressive metal bands since I was 18-19 (1990ish).
I think that the younger fans (like me, 17) are much more likely to join the band forums in general.

I know of many, many band forums where members in their teens are the minority. This is actually the only band forum I've ever seen where teens are so dominant.

Then again, I've never been to a forum where the band being discussed has Top 10 hits currently on the radio. I'm sure teens flock to those bands like crazy.
(which would explain why this forum is so craptacular).
ah! now it all starts to make sense.:heh: *hides*

i was on my first ever opeth gig a few weeks back, and i was surprised how many teenagers (and early twens) were there. i was feeling like a real metal granny (32)

what also struck me is that the percentage of females was rather low. mikael said something, that more and more women are coming to see opeth shows....well i wonder, what it used to be like in the "earlyer opeth days" if he thinks that there are many girls at shows nowadays :rolleyes:
I cant tell, ive only been to one Opeth show (last Munich gig. fuckin awesome!), but the crowd there was really diverse. right next to me (18) stood a girl (i dont know, anywhere from 16 to 20) and her mom (! a real mom. like, chabby, and all motherly) both headbanging and really into it. Outsie the venue stood a father (40-45) and his kid (probably 5-7). I was amazed to see this kind diversity, and so many girls. didnt see that one coming.
Id say it appeals to more of the older generation than the younger for a few reasons. For one, the younger generation aren't exposed to much of Opeth because it isn't commercial..... and it also may be musically/conceptually out of their grasp. Also, a lot of Mikael's influence is from past generations....and that would appeal to the older fan base as well.

lol if by "older generation" you mean "17-25" then you're spot on