Orchid or Morningrise

Wow, how lame is it to make fun of the people posting in this forum when your one of the leading posters. Perhaps if youve grown tired of hearing what other fans have to say about the band you should find a more gratifying use of your time. At least I believe that was your intention, perhaps you had a momentary spell of stupidity and forgot how to use your keyboard to write anything that contributes anything worthwhile. It was annoying to read either way.

you see, young shitbag, there was once a time when people like you didn't inhabit this forum, and it contained real discussions. that time has long passed, so if you're wondering, i did most of my posting back then. now the only real reason i visit this forum is for a laugh, or on the odd occasion to satirize what this forum has become. i thought it was pretty obvious.
There aren't any real discussions because shitbags (like you) and trolls spam the threads. If you really cared about discussions you wouldn't be an ass, you would try to start new discussions.
you see, young shitbag, there was once a time when people like you didn't inhabit this forum, and it contained real discussions. that time has long passed, so if you're wondering, i did most of my posting back then. now the only real reason i visit this forum is for a laugh, or on the odd occasion to satirize what this forum has become. i thought it was pretty obvious.

That means your time has come and gone and your doing nothing but polluting the forum with your silly dribble while hanging onto your nostalgic views of what you thought this forum was in the past. There are only so many things that can be discussed about one band so if topics seem to recycle over some time its to be expected. If you happen to think that the discussions that are being discussed arnt "real" enough for you than you have two choices:

1) You start a topic that you think is worthy of writing about.
2) You go somewhere else where whats being talked about is fresh and interesting to you.

You say that this forum once consisted of people who werent like me and it contained real discussions. Every time I post I discuss the topic in some way and I express my opinion to share information that I feel other people would like to know. How is what you wrote any different than what your bitching about? You complain that this forum doesnt have any real discussions right after making fun of the people discussing the topic. There wasnt anything wrong with the topic. The reason why you didnt find it of value is becuase youve spent the past few years writing more than 45 hundred posts and everything is old to you. The only thing that is obvious to me is that your bitter about how this forum is now that youve grown out of it, you laugh at things that really arnt that funny, and you have nothing left to say that is interesting to anyone but yourself.
well ,i like every fucking song from both albums
i dont really exactly what do you mean about that,orchid has some weak moments,if its perfec,i really enjoy as well,in mist,weeeping,silouete,forest,tsilight,reaquiem apostle,!!!
and also the five from mornigrise
what i like from opeth is that every album is diferent from other,but em all arre opeth!

but anyway if i would have to pick just one,it would be orchid

because it has more 2 more songs than morningrise,so it hase more content,just for that

thats the amazing thing about mornigrise,its short,but even like that is amazing,impresive
haha yeah!
Maybe Per actually IS playing on every opeth record,and he is turned up in the mix just a little bit by every record.GR is the first one where the human ear can percieve the sounds:D
Morningrise-no doubt about it, the guitar harmonics were overkill i always thought on Orchid but it was the first album of a band finding its feet. Morningrise did it all only much more tasteful and, well, better songs : )
it is hard to choose between these two , great albums . Under the Weeping Moon, Forest of October,The Apostle in Triumph, superb songs from the orchid. but The Night and the Silent Water, an 20 min oddisey Black Rose Immortal.. . i cannot choose
morning rise....!!!!......i mean "to bid u farewell"....that kindda song jsut....i mean...that oculda ben on teh album 5 times...adn id still love that al bum....plus blackrose immortal is one of teh best opeth tracks...so eyah.....Morning rise....jsut love that album...the ruffing...teh atmosphere...its jsut awesome....!!!.....and yeah plus Per was kindda off on that Orchid one.....though good to see how hes progressed with the band...awesome...!!....PEAC EOUT

obviously too grim to type like a human and must use dismembered goat hooves