OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

what about that batista ? he's pretty cool with the whole "thumbs up/thumbs down" thing and he's also got the batista bomb :loco:

unleash the animal !!!!!! :kickass:
The guy was injecting his kid with growth hormone.

He made the choice to juice...when it interefered with his mental health and personal life he could have made the choice to stop. This didn't happen overnight.

No, I don't get it and no one else seems to either. Doesn't sound like you have kids.

Sorry, wrestling fanboy. It's a free internet, go where you wish. You get waaaay too into this stuff. No need to be confrontational. Everyone is voicing their opinions...that's what it's about...I doubt you knew the guy or know anymore about it than what's on the news. Just chill...otherwise start your own MikeyBong board and filter your subscribers to those who have your exact opinions.

Have a nice life. I'm done with you. You're not worth my time.
I've been reading this post since it was created and feel like I want to add my .002 so...

First off this is a tragedy where all three of them are victims!! I feel extremely bad that he took his wife and son with him especially since he seemed to have lived his dream and should've been happy doing what I assume he loved for a living.

It's ridiculous to try and rationalize what he's done here...At the end of the day no one knows what Benoit was thinking except for him..

I'm not a fan of this current incarnation of wrestling...My favorite days were with Snuka, Muraco, The Wild Samoans, etc... But I know a few people in this business (Paul Levesque, Joanie Laurer). And John Cena went to high school across the city from me and I would run into him at parties from time to time... I know for a fact that both Paul and Joanie used steroids..Hell I juiced for 3 months on and three months off with stuff I got directly from Paul (I didn't use to bulk up but to tear down while trying to make weight for boxing) but there were times when he was in the worst moods I would never want to see a guy of his size be in and yet his "roid rage" never manifested into violence on other people (that I know of)

I guess all I'm trying to point out is that everyone reacts differently to drugs and I honestly believe that Chris Benoit was using steroids long before this tragedy and am willing to bet that they probably didn't have as big a part in this situtation as people are saying....I mean hell if that guy Poppa Pump I think his name is....Wrestling fans know who I mean he's far and away the biggest dude muscle wise I've ever seen in wrestling..But if he hasn't killed anyone yet and he probably has nothing but steroids running through his veins i think it's safe to assume that Benoit had homicidal tendencies for a long time....That being said...GOD rest him and his families souls!!!!!
I've been reading this post since it was created and feel like I want to add my .002 so...

First off this is a tragedy where all three of them are victims!! I feel extremely bad that he took his wife and son with him especially since he seemed to have lived his dream and should've been happy doing what I assume he loved for a living.

It's ridiculous to try and rationalize what he's done here...At the end of the day no one knows what Benoit was thinking except for him..

I'm not a fan of this current incarnation of wrestling...My favorite days were with Snuka, Muraco, The Wild Samoans, etc... But I know a few people in this business (Paul Levesque, Joanie Laurer). And John Cena went to high school across the city from me and I would run into him at parties from time to time... I know for a fact that both Paul and Joanie used steroids..Hell I juiced for 3 months on and three months off with stuff I got directly from Paul (I didn't use to bulk up but to tear down while trying to make weight for boxing) but there were times when he was in the worst moods I would never want to see a guy of his size be in and yet his "roid rage" never manifested into violence on other people (that I know of)

I guess all I'm trying to point out is that everyone reacts differently to drugs and I honestly believe that Chris Benoit was using steroids long before this tragedy and am willing to bet that they probably didn't have as big a part in this situtation as people are saying....I mean hell if that guy Poppa Pump I think his name is....Wrestling fans know who I mean he's far and away the biggest dude muscle wise I've ever seen in wrestling..But if he hasn't killed anyone yet and he probably has nothing but steroids running through his veins i think it's safe to assume that Benoit had homicidal tendencies for a long time....That being said...GOD rest him and his families souls!!!!!

Thank you for your input. I'm glad to see someone that obviously knows more about things like this speak up about it.

I don't doubt that Benoit used steriods for a long time, if you look at tapes of him from WCW in the mid-90's, he was much smaller then. But I agree that steriods were not the main cause of this, if at all. MANY athletes use steriods and don't hurt people. There had to be more going on in his mind then he let on.

That being said, he had some very close friends in WWE, and I really wish they had been able to convince him to get help for his issues. Of course I don't blame them for this tragedy, but I can't help but feel that it may have been prevented if someone had stepped in earlier.
Not to make light of the subject but ....maybe he could have used a Bong hit!
I have had several friends commit suicide only thinking of themselves and not the loved ones around them. A few I am still pissed at for that reason!
Maybe they could have used a Bong hit too! :erk:
Not to make light of the subject but ....maybe he could have used a Bong hit!
I have had several friends commit suicide only thinking of themselves and not the loved ones around them. A few I am still pissed at for that reason!
Maybe they could have used a Bong hit too! :erk:

It's not that easy for most that suffer from depression. All I can say is that if you've never been there, there's no way to describe just how overwhelming the feelings of hopelessness can be. To say that they are only thinking of themselves is really not fair when you take into account the fact that they have no (or very little) control over their thoughts.

I've lost some friends to suicide too. I hope you can eventually forgive your friends for leaving you and their familes too early, try to remember that they didn't do it to hurt anybody.

A bong hit might help temperarilly, but that doesn't last.
It's not that easy for most that suffer from depression. All I can say is that if you've never been there, there's no way to describe just how overwhelming the feelings of hopelessness can be. To say that they are only thinking of themselves is really not fair when you take into account the fact that they have no (or very little) control over their thoughts.

I've lost some friends to suicide too. I hope you can eventually forgive your friends for leaving you and their familes too early, try to remember that they didn't do it to hurt anybody.

A bong hit might help temperarilly, but that doesn't last.

I wonder if you would feel the same way if he didn't out himself?

Guess Mom's basement is a pretty depressing place and you can relate.
Yeah...no steroid usage there.

i didn't mean it that way, i was just trying to lighten the mood. it's a sad story but, i didn't know chris or his family. to me he was just ai guy wrestling on t.v. on monday nights. i would like to see the wwe do something other than sweep it under the rug because i know there are probably people in our real lives that need help and may be afraid to ask. but it's wwe decision to do what's right for their company. when i hear people were crying during the monday broadcast i wonder why. i guess i've never been that attached to a person i've never met or just watched on t.v. or in movies.

i love stevie ray vaughn and his music. i was an uber fan for a long time but when i heard on the radio he died i didn't cry. i was just bummed that it was him and not eric clapton.
There are too many questions to draw a concrete answer on Benoit. Was he suffering from depression before wrestling and steroids? Was he abusing alcohol? Was he on pain medications?
It is obvious that his family life was not perfect. You do not give human growth hormone unprescribed to your developmentally disabled child. That is just wrong.

You ditto yourself?

Honestly...the whole thing disgusts me. As a father of 4 boys, it's the kind of thing that hits home. Obviously depression and any form of mental illness is a terrible thing that so many suffer through silently...it's a shame...addiction as well is a form of mental illness...alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, eating disorders...whatever it may be...regardless, the facts need to be gathered and the tragedy shouldn't be dismissed to either extreme...it's not as simple as "he's a piece of shit" or "oh, the poor guy was depressed". It's not a matter of whether or not this guy should be in the Hall of Fame or whether or not he should be regarded as a great wrestler...it's a time to alert people to the facts and educate them about a very serious situation and a sad and tragic event. In some way maybe someone will be reached. The wrestling lifestyle has got to be grueling, lonely, painful and depressing...maybe a similar situation can be averted.

We don't know what happened and never truly will.

Anyone injecting his kid with growth hormones isn't all there. Mental illness, prolonged steroid usage, pain medication...there's a lot going on here.
Rick Karle, WBRC sports director was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren:

Martel dropped dead while drinking coffee on her front porch with her mother, according to Sherri’s sister Vickie. Her sister speculated that Martel was taking something for her heart, but when asked if it was steroids, she had no comment. This refutes reports that her husband found Martel.

Karle was told that toxicology and autopsy reports may not be released for another five to six months.

Karle noted that Martel was buried today.
Dagen McDowell, the Fox News Business Correspondent was interviewed by John Gibson earlier regarding WWE business. Here are some notes:

- McDowell said WWE Stocks fell 3% on Tuesday and Wednesday, but has since rebounded today.

- A scroll suggested that the Benoit incident wiped out $21 million of McMahon’s stock.

- The report also indicated that McMahon’s personal stock was worth $760 million on Wednesday.