OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

Rick Karle, WBRC sports director was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren:

Martel dropped dead while drinking coffee on her front porch with her mother, according to Sherri’s sister Vickie. Her sister speculated that Martel was taking something for her heart, but when asked if it was steroids, she had no comment. This refutes reports that her husband found Martel.

Karle was told that toxicology and autopsy reports may not be released for another five to six months.

Karle noted that Martel was buried today.

That had to be tough for her mother, one minute everything's fine, the next her daughter dies right in front of her. Sad.
- In light of the Chris Benoit tragedy that took the life of Chris (40),
his wife Nancy (43), and their 7-year old son Daniel, news of Mike
Awesome's suicide is now coming to light.

According to sources, Awesome was told by his wife that she was unhappy
and wanted a divorce. Upon hearing the news, Awesome physically confronted
his wife by grabbing her by the throat and throwing her against or into a

Awesome's wife called police and had Mike arrested for domestic abuse.
While in jail Awesome was told by his wife that she was leaving him,
taking his money, and, again according to sources, told the former ECW
Champion that she "hated" him. She then took what she could from their
home, threw out certain things that belonged to Awesome, and left.

Sources claim that Awesome was beyond distraught and very depressed about
the marriage, which he felt was stable and secure, all of a sudden being
stripped out from under him. All of this transpiring while Awesome was
still in jail, it should be noted.

Shortly after returning home from jail, with nothing left to come back to,
Awesome hanged himself. Friends discovered the body shortly afterwards.
- In light of the Chris Benoit tragedy that took the life of Chris (40),
his wife Nancy (43), and their 7-year old son Daniel, news of Mike
Awesome's suicide is now coming to light.

According to sources, Awesome was told by his wife that she was unhappy
and wanted a divorce. Upon hearing the news, Awesome physically confronted
his wife by grabbing her by the throat and throwing her against or into a

Awesome's wife called police and had Mike arrested for domestic abuse.
While in jail Awesome was told by his wife that she was leaving him,
taking his money, and, again according to sources, told the former ECW
Champion that she "hated" him. She then took what she could from their
home, threw out certain things that belonged to Awesome, and left.

Sources claim that Awesome was beyond distraught and very depressed about
the marriage, which he felt was stable and secure, all of a sudden being
stripped out from under him. All of this transpiring while Awesome was
still in jail, it should be noted.

Shortly after returning home from jail, with nothing left to come back to,
Awesome hanged himself. Friends discovered the body shortly afterwards.

More needs to be done in order to insure that not only the physical but also mental health of these performers is being attended to. Roddy Piper is right when he says that the wrestling business needs a union to make sure they have insurance and payed time off when it is needed. He's also right when he says that Vince McMahon will never allow it to happen.
I just got off the phone with a friend who works for the WWE and was told that Chris Benoits Wikipedia site was updated about his wifes death prior to her body being found.. From what I've been told the IP address was in Stamford, Conn. Now I don't know if this is common knowledge yet or not..But the one thing I was told that I know isn't out as of yet is that supposedly Benoit made a cell phone call to Paul Levesque (HHH) who resides in Stamford, Conn at this time and informed him as to what he did to his wife.

I've known Paul for many years and hope this information is false but the person who told me is a mutual friend of ours who's in that area and would more than likely know. If anyone here is a fan of Pauls say a few prayers that this info is wrong because I'm certain that if this is true he'll have to do some type of jail time. He got married not too long ago and really doesn't need to have used such bad judgement about such a serious situtation.
That information has already been in the news about the update of the IP address and it was reported as being a coincidence. The person alleges that rumor on the internet was that Benoit's wife had died (not been murdered, but died) and the person who updated Wikipedia said that he or she was going based on that information.

Why would HHH, Paul, whoever, go to jail for that? He didn't kill Benoit's wife and I thought you would only get in trouble if you helped cover up a crime. Hell, if someone gets shot in front of you, it isn't against the law to walk away and let that person, although morally you should rot in hell if you did.
That information has already been in the news about the update of the IP address and it was reported as being a coincidence. The person alleges that rumor on the internet was that Benoit's wife had died (not been murdered, but died) and the person who updated Wikipedia said that he or she was going based on that information.

Why would HHH, Paul, whoever, go to jail for that? He didn't kill Benoit's wife and I thought you would only get in trouble if you helped cover up a crime. Hell, if someone gets shot in front of you, it isn't against the law to walk away and let that person, although morally you should rot in hell if you did.

If the information is true and he really knew about Nancy Benoit's death, I believe according to the timeline that their son Daniel was still alive at that point.

This means that it's possible that Daniel's death may have been preventable.

I really hope this isn't true!
It says that Wilipedia was updated at 12:01 a.m. Monday, about 14 hours before the bodies were found. But according to the news reports, Nancy and Daniel were already dead.
It says that Wilipedia was updated at 12:01 a.m. Monday, about 14 hours before the bodies were found. But according to the news reports, Nancy and Daniel were already dead.

Yeah, I double checked on that a little while ago, you're right.

Still though, I think they could arrest someone in that circumstance for obstruction of justice, whether everyone involved is dead or not, if you know something about a crime and don't report it, it's a crime.
I could be mistaken because I'm not about to even try and pretend I'm a lawyer...But it seems to me that if I call my best friend and inform him that I just murdered somebody and his only action is to post it on the internet and not report it to the authorities that he would be in some type of trouble ...I don't know maybe not.....I'm hoping for not!!

Why would HHH, Paul, whoever, go to jail for that? He didn't kill Benoit's wife and I thought you would only get in trouble if you helped cover up a crime. Hell, if someone gets shot in front of you, it isn't against the law to walk away and let that person, although morally you should rot in hell if you did.
I could be mistaken because I'm not about to even try and pretend I'm a lawyer...But it seems to me that if I call my best friend and inform him that I just murdered somebody and his only action is to post it on the internet and not report it to the authorities that he would be in some type of trouble ...I don't know maybe not.....I'm hoping for not!!

I really don't think that it was HHH, the police have apparently found the guy responsible for the Wikipedia change and have confiscated his computer. I would think we'd have heard by now if it was him. Most news sites and wrestling sites are saying it was a prank.

Anyway, I really hope it wasn't him. I don't see why he would do that anyway but as we've all found out, you never really know what someone else is thinking.
Free-to-air Italian television station Italia Uno has dropped WWE Smackdown! from its lineup following the Benoit family double-murder suicide that rocked the wrestling industry. Smackdown! aired on Sundays but a press
release issued today from the Italia Uno officials stated that in light of this week's tragedy, the show will be taken off the air indefinitely in respect to those children who might confuse real life situations with
fantasy. Italia Uno director Luca Tiraboschi added that as long as the WWE Superstars 'traded punches' in the ring for storyline reasons only, then it was all fine for the channel as the show fit the entertainment category
however when situations like this surface, Italia Uno is not in it anymore. Sky Italia - which is pay TV - will still carry other WWE programming. (thanks to Colin Vassallo)
Mike Johnson is reporting that TNA is currently in negotiations with the FOX network regarding a possible secondary TV show.

- TNA sent out a text message yesterday via it's mobile service touting last week's record TV rating. The message also mentioned that they are closer than ever at getting a 2 hour show on Spike TV.

Fuck YEah...Thats GReat News
I'm going to have to converse with Brisco and Greene (my Law & Order buddies) and see what they have to say about this situation. :lol:

I'm going to ask my boss (I work for lawyers) on Monday cause now I'm curious that if the information was accurate, could HHH get in trouble for not reporting it. I highly doubt that he got any information like that and kept it to himself, though. Maybe he was one of the people that got the wierd text message instead. You know how rumors start.
Rick Karle, WBRC sports director was once again interviewed on the Fox News Channel Friday Night.

- Karle said police returned to the scene where Sherri Martel died in Alabama on Friday, two weeks after she passed away. The police would not divulge what investigators were looking for.

- Karle said Martel has a drug history. She was fired by WWF in 1993 for failing three drug tests, and was let go by WCW for showing up to work impaired at a television taping.

- Martel’s sister told Karle that Martel used to smoke marijuana, and that she recently got out of rehab. Her sister said she seemed clean.

- Her husband in St. Petersburgh, FL claims he found Sherri’s body in a bedroom, but her sister claims Sherri dead on her front porch while having coffee with her mother. She apparently felt dizzy and collapsed.

- Karle said that most people around the situation believe drugs were involved in Martel’s death. Her sister , in fact, believes drugs were a factor. In fact, a possibility is that she may have accidentally taken some of her husband’s prescription medication.

- Karle is now hearing that autopsy and toxicology reports may not be completed for upwards of one year.
TNA could end up with a like a 2 hour slot on FX, and maybe a 1 hour show on the various FSN channels.

That would be cool, FSN is the first station they were on. I think thats when they went to the monthly ppvs.

I bet they would love to be on a channel that would actually promote them.