Over-rated Bands

Originally Posted by panzerfaust666
yeah i respect many bands,even if i dont listen to them.i try to not be a naive,arrogant fuck when it comes to music. but i do however listen to alot of a bands material before dissing them.

this is the right way

damn right it is. but u dont seem to share the same idea as me, buddy? u are very judgemental i find.

i guess good music is good music forever, and if you have many options, you'll like all bands that you'd heard since when you've started to listen Metal.

The band that you consider over rated today, can't be tomorrow

Stop trying to be fucking philosophical and fuck off.
Stop trying to be fucking philosophical and fuck off.

Someone has a dirty mouth, may I suggest:


And that you fuck off proper.
oh please. you're more of an idiot than the guy who said it if you actually take that seriously. :rolleyes:

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
- Aldous Huxley

Last time I checked, this thread was based on opinion.

2. Crapping up threads with off-topic discussion and flamewars...
...will not be tolerated. A good thread is NOT to be derailed with personal insults towards other users or insults towards bands, musicians etc. Discussion is good, pointless flamewars will get you nowhere but closer to the great big thread padlock.

I'm gonna monitor this thread, just FYI...stuff like this never really goes anywhere before turning into a flamewar, so yeah...it's ALRIGHT so far (relatively speaking...).
Acid Bath is the only shit I've heard come close to rivaling Alice in Chains.

what bands of that genre do you consider more worthy of high rating? or do you just say they're overrated cos you hate the whole genre?

Crowbar, Eyehategod, Grief, Corrupted, Soilent Green
cc and deicide overrated? listen to their latest albums and say those words again

anything besides kill basically sucks IMO