Over-rated Bands

cc and deicide overrated? listen to their latest albums and say those words again

The new Deicide is better than there other albums but I would still not buy it. Just because a band finally does something decent 15 years later does not make them less overrated.
Many of the bands pointlessly fawned over on these boards.

Argho-fucking-slent, Destr-fucking-oyer 666 and Star-fucking-gazer can all rim me, the cunts.

Sure, they're all OK, but I feel somewhat agrieved that they weren't more entertaining given the trouble I had to go to in order to buy their stuff.

Oh, and Mithras.

judging by the bands people have been posting, you seriously need to stop saying a band sucks because you listened to one fucking song or album, to say bands like sepultura and slayer suck is just complete fucking ignorance so please go out and actually listen to everything they have to offer before you judge them

That's all you should be listening from them.. their first 3 or 4 albums... Nothing Else Matters

LOLOL that's hilarious!!

Overrated bands: Brand New, Aerosmith, Amorphis, Cephalic Carnage, Death, Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Megadeth, Meshuggah, and the most overrated metalband of all time, Opeth.
LOLOL that's hilarious!!

Overrated bands: Brand New, Aerosmith, Amorphis, Cephalic Carnage, Death, Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Megadeth, Meshuggah, and the most overrated metalband of all time, Opeth.

you may continue listening to pantera and korn now
Gropeth (mind you, they ARE good, but not fucking masturbation worthy, not since Still Life)
Demon Burger
Cradle of Faggots
Children of Bile
All powermetal crossdressing bullshit (quite possibly the biggest insult to the metal world as a genre and an excuse for people who can't handle REAL metal).

Syndrome of a Down
Motley Blew
Grandmothers 'n' Rectums
Metalli-let's betray our fans-ca

haha, that made me laugh. can u think of some more over rated bands and be cretive in their name descriptions pease??:lol:
overrated? lets see

megadeth - horribly boring with the worst vocals in the history of metal

dragonforce - every song is the same formula

children of bodom - zzZZzzZZ

opeth - good band, but they put me to sleep also

dimmu borgir - same old shit

slayer - not very intereting thrash and pretty bad riff writers, save a handful

arghoslent - definitely a good band but nowhere near worth the praise they get