PC Games

nahhh it's not that bad. the new zelda looks eh...that one for gamecube, i mean what the hell Link looks like a little baby. the other ones are awesome though.
Yeah in my personal oppinion the game for SNEs is the best game ever made.
jojo that sounds like FF7 ( in the back of the box )
But if u see the link´s dick............... U will say that kid is a ELFO
yeah a link to the past. those ones are classic. the ones for 64 i thought were really awesome too. that's how i first got into the zelda games was from ocarina of time. very cool games indeed.

i remember when i first got my 64 they had really bad games out, so i got Mario 64, and there was a way to get Yoshi if you got like all 120 stars and some shit. i stayed up all night for a few weeks getting all the stars, then i get them, go in the cannon to the top of the castle, and there was yoshi and i was all excited like "yes im going to get to ride yoshi!!" and then i talk to him, he says like "oh thanks for playing.." gives the credits, gives you 100 lives, then fucking FLIES AWAY!! man that was the biggest catastrophe of my year. i spent all that time and he just flies off! i mean i was like 12, but god that pissed me off so fucking bad. :lol:
yeah now that i look back at it im like "oh my god how could i have cared so much about that?" but then it was like, i might as well have lost a limb or something.