PC Games

i FINALLY quit playing evercrack, yesterday, even though i have til tonight or maybe tomorrow morning for my account to end, i quit earlier. i've been playing this demo i got from a magazine, the game is called Joint Operations, its supposed to be a BattleField 1942 killer. i'd like that play BF 1942 to compare them. if i EVER play another MMORPG though it'll be Star Wars Galaxies. that game looks pretty fun from the stuff i've read about it.

but right now though, its Joint Ops or Morrowind for me.
the_drip said:
are you playing condition zero? or old CS 1.6 The CS: source Beta is pretty neat.

I play CZ quite a bit. I usually end up with a 1:1 kill:death ratio..but rarely do any better than that.
Just playing 1.6. The server I play at, I've played at for like, two and a half to three years. I probably won't play CZ until it's released and the servers switch the source.
Cool thread...
My situation is....that I own a Mac for a couple of years...maybe 3. So I don't game a lot on this computer...since the games doesn't run too well...and developpers don't realy give a shit :cry: . But I heard ...it's getting better and better now. Anyway, I'm a total Xbox sellout...Halo...Project Gotham II...and the quite recent Fable are among the games I've played the most. But I don't game that much since I work like 60h/week at Ubi Soft as a tester. I'm currently saving some money to buy a kick ass PC. Currently waiting for Halo II (duh)...Half Life II. I heard some bad points about Doom III but I'd like to try it though.

PS : Like some of you here I guess...I'm a total Blizzard fan as well :p Everything they released is great!
Spike said:
Hey. :cry: *consoles (pun intended) his gamecube sitting next to his X-box* ...*Goes looking for his PS2*

:lol: ahahahaaaaaaaaaa.....

Spike said:
OMG you sound like me! :eek:

OMG you ARE me! :OMG:

Thanks for typing up my favourite games list... Now give it back! :p

:guh: :OMG:

who woulda guessed...? i definitely wouldn't have. :D

Spike said:
Oh, and I'd pwn your arse at SCII any day of the week, just for your info. :)

i'd like to see you try. :D j/k i kinda button-mash on that game haha...i've actually beaten some people at it that way, but i don't play it often enough to practice actually pressing the right buttons...but put me on a PS2 with Tekken 4 and i WILL whup your arse! :D
@ ND24/7 lucky ass, you're a tester, thats the job i wanna get but the only game type company that is close is SOE and they arent looking. they also have a MadKatz place nearby, but i wouldnt wanna make controllers and that sort.
HalfpintHenkka said:
:guh: :OMG:

who woulda guessed...? i definitely wouldn't have. :D
Yes, who would have thought you'd have a such good taste indeed. :Smug:

HalfpintHenkka said:
...but put me on a PS2 with Tekken 4 and i WILL whup your arse! :D
Yeah, you would, Tekken is one of the few fighting series I never took a fancy for, I've barely picked up a single iteration of the series, let alone actually played it for more than five minutes... Give me a pair of scantily clad and buxom teenagers to grapple with (eath other that is) any day of the week. ^_^ We ARE refering to DoA (Dead or Alive) for PS2 and XBox of course. :Smug: All titillation aside, it is oddly one of the better fighting series available (with Soul Edge/Calibur being the only fighting system which is noticable better). I wish however that Rare never killed the Killer Instinct seris... that game rawked my pink kitten printed sawks. :cry:

Since we are no vaguely on topic now though, what's everyones ideas/impressions/thoughts on DoA XBV? :Smug:
Spike said:
I wish however that Rare never killed the Killer Instinct seris... that game rawked my pink kitten printed sawks. :cry:

Whoatsie!? I thought noone remembers THAT game! What a nostalgy... I was too little and retarded to play it back then but spent all my time in the game arcades to watch others play. Daaaaaaamn how I LUVED even to watch :tickled: Fuckin werewolf pwned everyone :rock:
HalfpintHenkka said:
oh, gee, thanks. :Smug:
You're welcome. :Smug:

Overuse of ':Smug:' anyone?

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Whoatsie!? I thought noone remembers THAT game! What a nostalgy... I was too little and retarded to play it back then but spent all my time in the game arcades to watch others play. Daaaaaaamn how I LUVED even to watch :tickled: Fuckin werewolf pwned everyone :rock:
Hehe, how could you be too young? You are my age and I pwnd at that game. And werewolf is a biggy sissy doggy poofburger.... orchid all the way. :Smug:


Hehe. :')
_Zsuzsa_ said:
C'mooon Orchid is just a couple of walking boobz! Werewolf would pwn her in so many ways :lol:
Oh please, Orchids tits alone would bitch slap that puppies arse into next week*, and I say bitch slap, cos you and I both know that Werewolf was AT LEAST as much of a 'bitch' as orchid.

What a sissy.

Oh, Fullgore was the best fall back character after orchid, he was not as much fun to use, but he was teh most powerful/easy to use.

Oh, and anyone who did not use Edgemaster (or equivalent) in SCI and II is a sissy. Pfft, who wants to master only ONE WEAPON? That said, Kilik was cool though.

*So sue me, I was like 15 when I first played that game... OF COURSE I liked orchid the most. :cry: