Personal questions thread.

Hammer toes. They suck.

here's one I should've asked long ago... how often do you fart and what was your worst stinker?
I have a massive protruding artery in my wrist. It sticks out so much, you can see it pulsing. So I can actually check my pulse just by looking at my wrist.

Do you have any cool or interesting mental abnormalities?

Arg ninja'd

I fart often after meals and in the morning. Not to long ago I was driving to work and I let one go and I seriously thought I was going to vomit.
Mental abnormalities... haha, where to start. Let's say mild depression, anxiety, severe anger issues, and some narcissism and leave it at that before I scare anyone.

Sleeping naked: Do you do it?

Wasted time and money on someone your friends have been telling you to ditch?
Wasted time and money on someone your friends have been telling you to ditch?

Tons of times. Usually I should take their advice.

When drinking, do you usually drink the same thing all night, or switch it up?
I usually stick with the same liquor, but switch up the beer. I usually only drink what's on tap.

What the worst alcohol related experience you've ever had?
What the worst alcohol related experience you've ever had?

I went on a 4 day beach trip with 5 female co-workers (4 of whom were reasonably to very atttractive). The first night there, I got stupidly black-out drunk and was hungover for the next day and a half :puke:. I didn't drink any more than I usual (at least from what I can remember), but we didn't have any dinner and it was too much for the empty stomach.

Do you regret any past relationships?
Porsche! The quality control is just way better than Ferrari's.

It's worse! I'm regretting my current relationship!

Ever seriously considered killing someone?

Every time I drive in Pordenone.

If you accidentally get shit on your finger, whether it be a dog's, cat's or your own (although I can't imagine why), do you smell it?
No way. I hold my nose til I've practially scalded my finger(s) off under hot water.

Do you urinate in the shower? :loco:

Fuck yes. There's nothing more annoying than not having to pee and then all of a sudden the running water gives you the urge, and you have to get out, drip water all over the floor and then get back in the shower when you could just aim it directly down the drain.

I mean, you wash your nether regions anyway, right? Is piss any more disgusting than sweaty ass and balls?