Personal questions thread.

Fuck yes. There's nothing more annoying than not having to pee and then all of a sudden the running water gives you the urge, and you have to get out, drip water all over the floor and then get back in the shower when you could just aim it directly down the drain.

I mean, you wash your nether regions anyway, right? Is piss any more disgusting than sweaty ass and balls?
Especially if it's going straight down a drain with water. Srsly, what's the big deal?
It's no big deal. Well to me it kinda is, but in support of it. I can't stand to get in the shower before I've brushed me teeth. So if I've got to pee when it's time to shower, I'll hold it all the while I'm brushing my teeth. Just so I can pee in the shower.

*raises eyebrows*

No, never felt a need to, as I'm not into Water Polo.

Testament - The Gathering: Gay and Lying, Awesome, True Light, or I'd like a ham sandwich?
Convicted? No. Committed is another matter.

Have you ever been so angry you seriously considering destroying the person who made you mad's life? (Not related to above answer.)
Never. And apart from a murder in the family, I can't imagine a scenario in which I could possibly take anything so seriously as to consider destroying someone.

Would you take a million dollars cash if it meant the ritual genocide of a small island in micronesia with a population of about 65?
I can't say I'm embarrassed by any film that I enjoy... However any movie outside my, "Norm" would be Garden State.

That movie, however, is absolutely outstanding. :p