Personal questions thread.

probable Japan, ...not sure though....dont know much about china, and iv always wanted to go to japan...and since all expenses are coverred...

japan it is.

ok, give guitar lessons with a headache or cancel the lessons and dont get paid?
No, which is good since most of my teachers were either male, or old women

Out of all the old-school band reunions, which ones do you care about the most?
Have you ever been a pallbearer, given a eulogy or been an integral part of a funeral in some way?
Yes, I was a pallbearer at my uncle Randy's funeral in Arizona in I believe '97. Not fun at all.

Have you ever done anything "inappropriate" with a teacher or professor?
Thankfully, no.

Out of all the old-school band reunions, which ones do you care about the most?
Suffocation, and that's it. I'm even hesitant to care about that one.

Have you ever done something that's against your beliefs or morals for a person of the opposite sex because you wanted them to like you? If so, what?
Nope, we don't get such nonsense here.

Would you go back to bed, use a laptop and be a lazy shit all day if you could?
[KOTNO]Narrot;7031550 said:
when was the last time you cried and why did you cry?
Happy tears when I heard the new Ott record for the first time. I'd been waiting for years.

Do you use multiple passwords online or just the same one for everything?
(Yes there is.)

I'll wipe with it if it doesn't take off extra skin, brand doesn't matter.

Do you powder your nether regions to make them extra cool and dry?
Very occasionally. Depends on where I'm going. If I'm walking a great distance, or going to a club or something, then probably.

I have a penis. Do you?