Personal questions thread.

how the fuck is this possible? THIS IS WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY

I knew my post would be controversial!

'd just go on with my life... in Canada. That is, if I can get past the FEMA robot army blocking the borders.

My work place does jobs for such government organizations as FEMA, DoD, etc. When the machinery breaks that makes these products, I fix it. Does this make me a supplier to domestic terrorist in your eyes?

No, it doesn't. Not to me...yet, anyway.... The Nazi soldiers claim of "we were just following orders" doesn't make them any less guilty of the atrocities of the Holocaust.

I think we need to tone this down a little before we pick it back up. :oops::loco:

Windsor, double-Windsor, or regular tie?
There are fewer than 50 negros in this town, and they rarely walk anywhere, they all take the bus or drive in stereotypical SUVs.

When black men see you, do THEY cross the street?
No... the only time I see them is when I'm walking past the welfare office on my way to the store, and they wouldn't want to lose their place in line... (Horrible Joke, I know)

Whats for dinner?
my dad and brother are cooking this super-awesome dinner to celebrate the failure that is my 20th birthday. my brother's fixing venison and my dad's fixing lobster tails. it's gonna be the uber-om nom nom

the last time you drank/did drugs ... why?
Last time I drank was some weeks ago. my boyfriend and me wanted to go out "just for one or two beers" and ended up coming home totally drunk around 7 in the morning. It was just a funny evening and we had met a lot of friends.
Last time I did drugs...hmmm...on New Years eve I think, just because I felt like doing it and it was a funny night.

Question....let me think...myself, I am really careful with saying I HATE someone, I dislike a couple persons, but I hardly say I HATE someone.
So, is there a person in your life you really HATE with all your heart? Is this a strange question?
Rocco's Modern Life and Ren and Stimpy, it's a tie between the two, for sure.

If you had to perform one of these two things on yourself, which one would you chose:

1) Pushing like a 6g skewer through a chunk of flesh around your middle


2) Using a scalpel cut out and remove a 6" x 8" rectangle of skin off of your body, anywhere.
the last time you drank/did drugs ... why?

Last time I drank was New Years eve. I have no good reason why I haven't drank since then. There is still a bottle and a half of Crown Royal in the freezer.

I haven't smoked any green since May 30th last year, which is when I used up the last of what I had after finding out I was losing my job. I would be happily smoking if I had found a job :mad:, but it just hasn't happened yet. At least my lungs are happier.

If you had to perform one of these two things on yourself, which one would you chose:

1) Pushing like a 6g skewer through a chunk of flesh around your middle


2) Using a scalpel cut out and remove a 6" x 8" rectangle of skin off of your body, anywhere.

#1, It would be over quickly and I could get to the crying sooner.

hmm... can you open up to people easily? (no, not that way. jeez)

No I can't. I'm always quiet/shy around new people. It probably has a lot to do with why I haven't found a job yet. I wish job interviews could be done over message boards. A friend of mine was talking about me to somebody else and said "Devan? Shit, I thought he was mute for the first 3 weeks I knew him." :lol:

How old were you the first time you masturbated?
most expensive restaurant you've ever eaten at
Could have been a number of places. Maybe Levana. There was also a place that I used to live right across the street from, La Carne I believe.
I wouldn't go as far as calling them expensive though.

Have you ever actually seen someone who was willing to suck for crack money?