Personal questions thread.

If after research it turned out to be healthy, then sure... but knowing already they're absolutely not healthy... not a chance.

Is there anything you still hold against your parents from when you were a kid?
Psychological torture involving perception of self, and religion.

Do you think cheesecake is better with or without fruit on it?
If after research it turned out to be healthy, then sure... but knowing already they're absolutely not healthy... not a chance.

oh hey I saw some new research results recently that stated how healthy fasting can actually be. They claimed that even 1 weekend a month made improvements in the body's metabolism.
Yeah, because shutting down your metabolism is beneficial to your health. They'll contradict it with the next study.
I do like cheese cake with fresh fruit on it... only fresh, not some "canned" shit.
But if the cake is flawless, like with Derrick's- then eating it without anything can rule too

Post its in fun shapes, or plain squares?
I do have his recipe! But I'm not sharing! MINE!

And Derrick is Derick's alter ego/evil twin. But he has no goatee, and is devout...

Would that make the twin GOOD Derick?
oh hey I saw some new research results recently that stated how healthy fasting can actually be. They claimed that even 1 weekend a month made improvements in the body's metabolism.

Yea well, I meant personal research.
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

When was the last time you listened to This Godless Endeavor (the album, not the song)?

Last month.

For guys: Have you ever waxed your chest? What would you do if your girlfriend just told you she was over her ex's place, waxing his chest?!
I'm certain my flat will flood at some point, being next to a canal.

Joey...have you ever been in a Turkish prison?