peter's marriage & MAYH cover

Always thought the girl was the "center" of the picture. And the face on the back has alway´s been obvious too. Well i guess i got an more supperior eyesight than ya´ll hohohohoho.

Anyay the powerlines of october i´ve never noticed, thats great, haha
i think the powerlines represent the teenage culture today and how teens consume anything they cant feast their eyes on. as long as its "cool" and endorsed someone "cool". then you'd have to look into the archetypal dr. faustus and consider, are these "artists" really selling their souls, or are they flaunting something that they really enjoy and appreciate. take the example of michael jackson advertising for pepsi and consider how much he was being payed to help sell this caffien pumped liquid sugar and how much coke might have offered him. was this a moral gain for michael jackson? did michael even prefer pepsi over any other soft drink? obviously it was a financial gain for the pop star but has he, in turn, manufactured himself to suit the ideals of the pepsi corperations idea of "cool"? one can only assume that he has officially become the origional "king of pop". ok so if your actually reading this and you've gotten this far, you've figured out that im a fucking idiot.
Still Death said:
"The powerlines of October
Sleeps silent when I depart
The web of time
Hides my last trace"

From the track 'Powerlines of October' on their album My Powerlines, Your Hearse.... :rock:
Their most electrical release to date.

Honestly, it came as a shock to me when I considered the power of this album!