Picks driving me mad


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
A few months ago I swapped picks to to the black Dunlop Jazz IIIs. Straight away I noticed an improvement in the pick attack. All was well, that is, until now. I've just started using the old picks, Dunlop Torex Sharp 1.14mm and noticed that I seem to be able to play a lot better. They feel better, faster, cleaner, possible even sound better. But... the pick attack. It' subjective I know, but I definantly think the Jazz II pick attack is smoother, not as harsh.

I'm not even sure what I'm asking here, I guess your opinion/experience with this kind of thing.
I just started with the IIIs myself, but if you noticed an improvement why did you switch back? I personally like the IIIs, I seem to be able to play much smoother with them, but as I was using .88s before that, the IIIs certainly have much more attack for me, but are much faster than what i was using, though not as clean for rhythms (yet)
I actually ordered a bag or two of each Dunlop Jazz III variant, max grip/ultex/pitchblack/original/one other one I think, recently from Musician's Friend. Don't think I'll review them all but I've been using the Pitch Black Jazz III picks since I switched from Dunlop picks with the alligator on them (1.14). Huge improvement in sound and playing for me. But I wanted to see what the difference is between each Jazz III pick available.
I despise the scratchiness that flat-sided picks (e.g. Tortex) have, which is frustrating, since I prefer the Pitch Black Jazz Tortex picks for rhythm, though the Max Grip Jazz III's for lead - basically though, for recording I suck it up and use the Jazz III's for everything simply because of the sound, but I can't go back to anything bigger than the Pitch Black Jazz Tortexes (for rhythm or lead)
^ Jeez, thats a cool idea, I didn't even know there were so many. I think I just got the originals myself!

Edit: Oops, marcus snook in here before me
And Mike, the pitch blacks aren't exactly Jazz III's, since they're slightly bigger, thinner, and have the flat sides (and are the tortex material) - just FYI :D And I tried the Ultex ones, but didn't like the sound of them as much as the standard blacks (and the reds had too much flex, for a pick that small I want it to be completely rigid tee hee) Max Grips FTW anyway! (though finger gunk builds up in the grooves pretty quickly, oh well)
Dunlop Gator Grips

Epic! (they DO get slippery so I cut some grip into them with pocket knife)
I just started with the IIIs myself, but if you noticed an improvement why did you switch back?

Well I haven't switched back, I just picked one of the old ones up and it was like "man this is so accurate and so fast makes the jazz III feel like a nub."

I personally like the IIIs, I seem to be able to play much smoother with them, but as I was using .88s before that, the IIIs certainly have much more attack for me, but are much faster than what i was using, though not as clean for rhythms (yet)

I get less attack on the Jazz IIIs and it's smoother

I despise the scratchiness that flat-sided picks (e.g. Tortex) have, which is frustrating, since I prefer the Pitch Black Jazz Tortex picks for rhythm,

I hear that. Do you find them more accurate and faster? I think the edge kind of grabs the string which gives you a better feel and control, unfortunately I think it's probably what causes the scratchy noise.

for recording I suck it up and use the Jazz III's for everything simply because of the sound

Good plan. Sucks though, I want the best of both worlds! lol
tortex .88 FTW good enuff for Hetfield- AH! good enough for me ;)
I went thorugh a wanky jazz 3/ stubby phase, but i play the guitar too hard and kept mashing my fingers up and bleeding all over my guitar.
And Mike, the pitch blacks aren't exactly Jazz III's, since they're slightly bigger, thinner, and have the flat sides (and are the tortex material) - just FYI :D And I tried the Ultex ones, but didn't like the sound of them as much as the standard blacks (and the reds had too much flex, for a pick that small I want it to be completely rigid tee hee) Max Grips FTW anyway! (though finger gunk builds up in the grooves pretty quickly, oh well)

See I had a feeling the Pitch Black were not typical Jazz III. This is what I ordered:

Ultex Jazz III

Nylon Jazz XL (black)

"The same great tip as our popular Nylon Jazz III picks, but with an extended gripping surface for a better hold."

Max Grip Jazz III (black)

Nylon Jazz III (black, I think this is the standard Jazz III)

Pitch Black Jazz (what I'm using now, only mine have a silver print, not gold?)
Yeah Mike, I've tried all of those (all my Tortex Pitch Blacks have had grey/silver writing too, never understood that :lol: ), and to add to my above thoughts on them, I couldn't get into the Jazz III XL's for guitar, but they've actually become my favorite bass pick (black once again)