Picks of choice?


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Hey guys, just out of curiosity, which picks do you all find track the best, give the best recorded pick attack, etc. I usually use Jazz III's, but I think my .88 Tortex's sound a bit better recorded. The Jazz's sound duller and less lively.
DSS3 - I am not an ass clown by any stretch of the imagination, but for the most part - this thread is really Garfunkled. =)

Does this mean you are going to tell a guy "Hey.. dont use that pick.. THIS one "tracks" better".
EtherForBreakfast said:
DSS3 - I am not an ass clown by any stretch of the imagination, but for the most part - this thread is really Garfunkled. =)

Does this mean you are going to tell a guy "Hey.. dont use that pick.. THIS one "tracks" better".
I think he means to ask "Hey guys, what pick works best for you?"

That's all. Nothing wrong with that. :)

Ever seen a couple of metal/stainless steel or whatever picks at your local guitar store? That is what works best for me. The only problem is that they have no friction and can easily slide off. The solution? Apply a thin layer of superglue to one/each side of the pick, let it dry (duh) and there you go. :)
It's a MOOT point... People use certain picks because over time they found the right one. Santana uses that big ass triangle thing. Petrucci, Angelo, Gambale use the JazzIII.

It's just really odd to me to see a discussion about PICKS. It's a personal thing. James Murphy might like the big ole Big Stubbies... That doesnt mean he is going to all of a sudden use a pussy hair plucked from the most golden of Asian super star honey ho's to do his remake of Hotel Califronia of a 12 string.

I just dont get it......... Picks are a personal thing.. a dude finds his pick.. and he sticks with it....
EtherForBreakfast said:
It's a MOOT point... People use certain picks because over time they found the right one. Santana uses that big ass triangle thing. Petrucci, Angelo, Gambale use the JazzIII.

It's just really odd to me to see a discussion about PICKS. It's a personal thing. James Murphy might like the big ole Big Stubbies... That doesnt mean he is going to all of a sudden use a pussy hair plucked from the most golden of Asian super star honey ho's to do his remake of Hotel Califronia of a 12 string.

I just dont get it......... Picks are a personal thing.. a dude finds his pick.. and he sticks with it....
They are a personal thing. That is what the original poster understands.

Jeez, what kind of answer do you give to people who ask you "what are some of your favourite colours?" :D
Dude, STFU. All he did was ask a question

I use Dunlop X-H Gels... they're like, translucent yellow... so when you drop one, you'll never find it again
i´m using Pickboy Carbons.
I played Jazz III before but the Carbons are much thinner but way heavier as the jazz III. That fits best for me.
I used to play the big triangles Dunlop Tortex (very thick) with three fingers (ala James Hetfield), found it much better for rhythm works. Then I switched to PickBoy because when playing it stays better because of the grip (I can sweat a lot, haha). Now I use customized Dunlop fingerpicks (took me a while to get used to).
I usually just use whatever i can find on the desk, the bastards keep getting lost!

About the slipping... i nice trick is to take a sharp knife and drill a few small holes in the pick, gives excellent grip.

A few years ago i liked to use a 3.5 mm pick when playing bass :)
I don't anymore....
actually, its a very valid question as it does make a difference to the tone. Try nylon v's tortex, definate better attack with the tortex. I'm a green tortex man myself.
.73 yellow tortex feel the most comfortable although i have been playing with 1.4mm ones of late just cos ive got a stack of em on my desk from a friend.
To me, after years of trying everything from the thinnest to the thickest to the metal to the plastic...

...nothing beats the black satin Dunlop Tortex .60, wich I enhance in the grip by applying a little piece of Velcro (I don't know the right term in english, it's that stuffed thing on one side and plastic curly on the othr used for clothing that close with ripping it and repositioning it), the plastic side. It give me the best grip on the pick and I can rest some spare ones on the bottom side of the guitar by pressing them to the stuffy side of it, glued to the guit.