Post a random fact about yourself

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@hitori: last time you commented on com service you said you hated it. :p have you changed your mind, were you drunk the first time, were you drunk the second time, were you drunk both times, etc etc? :p

@hilj: you seem to have an affinity for burning your fingers. if i didn't know better i'd call you black metal. which makes me think of the pot calling the kettle black metal. and powermetalanguage, as rahvin once said. and all this kind of jokes. :p

fact: i really am between iron and silver in some respects. i am almost accomplishing something that i thought beyond my emotional means.
i'm highly unstable. nah :P actually what i think i said was that i hated having to leave and go there... because the weather was bad and i was feeling really lazy. but once I'm actually there, I enjoy it, and it's improving a lot as I'm getting to know the girls.
@hyena: i've become hilarious like immortal now :p actually i don't remember burning my fingers in some particular occasions before, i remember burning a bit my cheek/jaw though :hypno: never get dressed while talking and smoking

bah, freecell is cool!

NF: more bubu than ever.
fact: when i was 13, i wrote an essay on Nazi germany for my finals. it was about 90 typewritten pages long. i accidentally saved it in a heap of paper destined to be recycled (as in printed on the other side), and now i'm in fits of laughter re-reading selected parts of it.
fact: nick will be proud to know that my ninja disguise tonight got the attention of a very handsome man, who didn't even want to arrest me :p

(photos of the ninja mask are coming to the board in a week or so)
fact: today was one of the happiest days ive had in a long time. ulvers "een stemme locker" helped with the mood a lot! .........can anyone tell me what the title means :tickled: so i dont look like an idiot if it means something utterly somber?
- I'm going to watch American Idols in 2 minutes.
- I love my boyfriend's family. Here i get the attention that i never got at home with my own family. My bf's mom always hugs me, my own mom never does and never has. These people are so much closer to me than my own family. Once i almost cried when she hugged me, because it made me so happy.
@child of time: i just didnt want to be feeling happy if he was expressing something downright sorrowful, because the song makes em feel so free and contemplative - if it was suppossed to be otherwise......lets just say i dont want to think ulver did a bad job at what they were trying to do!

but lets face it - old ulver never go's wrong, i havent heard new ulver though...

fact: im feeling chest pains and i have nio idea if the medicine i have been taking for my cold is to blame or if i got an infection in my lungs :(
-Ive just come back from the gig in Hannover, and I shall be damned if that wasnt the best concert Ive ever been to.. or at least one of the best :p
-My voice is gone, Im thirsty and I stink of smoke like.. eewww
@Rocque: Why? :p
@Taliesin: Sweet :cool: :grin:
Like it damn well should be..!

Fact: If I read comments from myself on boards etc, I notice I've been tired since half December :err: ....but the doctor's cant find anything :/ (not even in my blood, which they needed 6 ..tubes (?) of :hypno: aaaaaargh)
The Grand Wazoo said:
Fact: Ive got weird twinges in my belly (again) :/
You probably ate too many cookies (again)

hyena said:
when i was 13, i wrote an essay on Nazi germany for my finals. it was about 90 typewritten pages long
Jesus Formaldrosthemus Christ!
Did you like your history class in school, miss?

Child of Time said:
Fact: Today on the train an icky woman was sitting next to me, smearing her arms with something that smelled sharp and unpleasant, and now one of my favourite pullovers smells of that liquid.
Well you better wash thoroughly sucka', that's the new way breast augmentation is done (a new oil-free formula that is easily applied and absorbed by the skin for fast results)

Hiljainen said:
i remember burning a bit my cheek/jaw though never get dressed while talking and smoking
Oh man...
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Fact: School is killing me.. killing me..
Somebody save me :cry:
(there's a $5 reward)
MagSec4 said:
Oh man...
no comment


Fact: i just wrote 2 complaints to the italian train company, this evening, as half of the times, the first train was late, so i lost the other train to get home. this morning outside it was -11°C and, as often, there was no heating system on the train, where me and many students have to spend an hour, not 5 minutes. and well, today this was a bit too much. i'm aware that they don't even read complaints, i just see it as a way to get it out of my chest.
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