Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: Is glad people remember me.

Fact: I am now currently obsessed with Lost and which islander will die. Is it Hurley, Mikael, Sayid, or Locke? :( :( :(
DragonLady1 said:
omg idari thats a scary story, what did u drink? the last time I was so drunk i dont remember, I also did quite a few stupid things... I hate it the next day really, it scares me that I can forget about what i do... so I'm a bit more carefull now (but well u can never know haha)

fact: going to see Illdisposed tonight
fact: I'd rather be somewhere else now....
I drank..everything. Things were fine at first when i drank cider and stuff like that, but when i started drinking pure alcohol i made a huge mistake :eek: Oh man i'm embarrassed. I don't usually get that drunk, because i don't like being too drunk and doing stupid things, but this was pretty much a disaster. I don't know if i'd be more or less embarrassed if i actually knew what i've done and said.

fact: Seeing my pets almost makes me cry nowadays, because i love and miss them so much and i see them way too rarely :cry:
fact: I had weird nightmares this morning. My mom had killed 3 people and they were buried on our yard.
fact: My room looks like there's been a storm in there.
MorbidEnemy said:
fact: i felt suprisingly sexy today :oops:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fact: Had a f'ckin mint band practice tonight. It was our second band practice as a full band and the drummer is amazing. F'cking loving it.
Fact: The drummer actually cared what notes were in the lead and how to create a better overall texture for the rhythms.

Fact: I've decided tomorrow is a sick day for me. I have to go into town and shop for my girlfriends birthday anyway, so I may aswell take off the hardest day of the week to do it.
Child of Time said:
You should use a happy smilie for that. Hairyness ≠ good.


Long hair = teh sexy :D

Fact: I really like this song: Nile - Sacrophagus :err:
Good thing I am seeing the doctor again tomorrow :p
(Cos of belly-twinges :)p) and tiredness, etc..*sigh*)

Fact: I can never choose. It takes aaages with me. Yep, random fact :p
The Grand Wazoo said:
Long hair = teh sexy :D

Fact: I can never choose. It takes aaages with me. Yep, random fact :p
And here I was thinking I was mistaken about what women wanted all along :p Ive heard the line "Your hair is waaayyy too long" too often lately :cry: I'll keep growing it anyway :) I mean, it's only reaching a decent length now, the next step will be to have it cut so it's long AND healthy :)
And btw, you should have someone with you to choose in your place at all times then ;)
Fact: If been to two dt gigs, on the first I got my forehead kissed by Mr.Stanne, on the second I got hugged. I think this may be because I went totally mental on both occassions, but maybe I just look very cudly.

Fact: I just burned 4 CD samplers for the car but forgot to write down the tracklist for the third.
DragonLady1 said:
Fact: I want spring here finally :erk:
I dont! at leat not until early april. Im going to Switzerland for snowboarding, cant wait :headbang:

Fact: All this talk about sex made me horny
Fact: Necrophobic make me hate jesus.

Fact: Necrophobic is amazing

Fact: Necrophobic make me want to worship satan.

Fact: kinda drunk, really lonely.

Fact: Im 18 and I still do a paper round - Pathetic doesn't even come close to describing.

Fact: Some of these facts are not facts... If this one for instance wasn't fact then it would balls up the point in this fact, but you'll never know if this one is fact or not, nor will you care... and good... y'all shouldn't. A more interactive version of diary; Miserable but can't confide in oneself.
I know what you mean, Deicide make me hate Jesus and worship Satan as well ;)
You shouldnt feel miserable though, you're drunk, you have a GF you love and a good taste in music, what more do you want? ;)
Taliesin said:
I know what you mean, Deicide make me hate Jesus and worship Satan as well ;)
You shouldnt feel miserable though, you're drunk, you have a GF you love and a good taste in music, what more do you want? ;)
That made me smile. :)

Fact: I want to explain what my problem is and in doing so have discovered my problem is that I think I have a problem when really I dont and subconsciously I hate myself for being ungrateful. haha it never ends.
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