Post a random fact about yourself

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Taliesin said:
I dont! at leat not until early april. Im going to Switzerland for snowboarding, cant wait :headbang:

Fact: All this talk about sex made me horny

sure, on the swiss mountains u'll have a lot of snow till april for sure! that makes me wanna go skiing too now, but none of my friends here would come with me and its boring all alone :(
It's not necessarily diabetes, it can be caused by other things. :p

Fact: I haven't cleaned my room for about 5 months.
Well yes, but it just about goes under diabetes as well. It's easier to understand than hypoglypolulilaa, at least.

I'm behind you in the room cleaning department, I cleaned it at least 3 months ago. :p
It's a sort of diabetes (which means 'sugar disease' or something I think)
I've got a reversed diabetes :p
I've got too much insuline, so no needles ;)

But I can also not eat sugars :( *siiiigh*
[edit] I mean, start checking what contains sugar(s) o_O
Also it is advised to not eat ..bread rolls, white rice or that sort, only wholemeal things. Well, I thought, thats easy, I only eat brown bread anyway. But then I read that also means pizza's, pandan rice, etc etc :/
Ah well. We'll see

....ohyes, and also no alcohol o_O
The Grand Wazoo said:
But I can also not eat sugars *siiiigh*
[edit] I mean, start checking what contains sugar(s) o_O
Also it is advised to not eat ..bread rolls, white rice or that sort, only wholemeal things. Well, I thought, thats easy, I only eat brown bread anyway. But then I read that also means pizza's, pandan rice, etc etc :/
Ah well. We'll see

....ohyes, and also no alcohol o_O
I wouldn't manage that :guh:
fact: i just got a review of a record published in a national punk webzine and, although of course it is a fact of absolutely no consequence, i'm thrilled. i'm in a phase of deep love for the scene, absurd as it may seem. i basically decided to ditch friends for shows, and i'm living happily with the consequences. :)
sorry to hear that, my aunt has it, and yeah, it's really hard... a very strict diet...
hope you can deal with it alright :)

fact: might get another of those cool unpaid jobs like my present one
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