Post a random fact about yourself

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I just tried to change my sig but the limit to 500 characters pisses me off. Oh well, I can live with my current one
Fact: I translated it earlier with an online translator thingy but it didnt make much sense.. something about gentle lies but that's all I recall anyway ;)

Fact: I know 2 languages other than german :p

Fact: KC is right on that one
King Chaos said:
FACT: I know not what this means.
I want to rest, I want (my?) eyes to close, I... err, won't rise for a little while. Or something similar. Or maybe something entirely unsimilar.

Fact: I really wish I could speak another language.
fact 1: i really wish i could communicate in any of the languages im supposed to know how to speak

fact 2: im going camping from the 22-23 with friends

fact 3: i havent gone camping in what feels like a very long time but its always been nice. despite the rocks. and the cold. as long as there are no coackroaches.
fact: if i don't stop sneezing i might even miss the streetbeat festival tomorrow. god forbid.
fact 1: I drank around 5 cups of coffee today, with looots of sugar and cream, when normally I drink like one cup every 3 months. I think I'm high with caffeine

fact 2: all my fucking mp3 sound like a scratched cd, they were fine yesterday! :cry: apparently I'm not meant to listen to music
Rusty said:
I want to rest, I want (my?) eyes to close, I... err, won't rise for a little while. Or something similar. Or maybe something entirely unsimilar.

Fact: I really wish I could speak another language.
"I want to rest, I want to close my eyes, not get up for a while" ;)

fact: I know a few languages, though i've forgotten most of my german and swedish :/
@carl: but you don't need to miss it! it's embedded in any windows system and you can play all the old games you want. :)
You can get DOS emulators though. If you go a few pages back in the Geek thread, I asked about them and a few were recommended, try them out.

EDIT: Here.
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