Post a random fact about yourself

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MagSec4 said:
Fact: I'm going back to my university in a few days, I've asked myself lately "Am I really in the mood?" ..I'm thinking no.
you better get back in the mood in a few days, mister. >(

err..fact: i love swimming.
hehe, you should take yer own advice sometimes ;)

urm, fact: i'm drinking german beer bought in france, because there they have no tax on tin cans, opposed to germany.
@Mal: shut up, you. :p (edit: but thanks for reminding me. ;) :p)

uhm.. fact: i don't swim as often as my username would suggest.
Fact: Tool's video for "parabola" is scary, the faces of the people in it are :eek: i'll dream that tonight.
I'm thinking about the pots smoked to imaginate that, i never remembered the weirdest things i thought, i should have written them down, now i could have a whole movie :hypno:
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