Post a random fact about yourself

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fact: i'm wondering whether a prodigy song really says "a re-election is what i need", or i'm just being stupid.
Fact: i can't decide between plan a and plan b :p . plan a means to go to bed, make today end soon and stop thinking, all this if i manage to fall asleep. plan b means to stay here and try to get sleepy enough to actually fall on the bed for exhaustion while i distract myself, but it's not the right evening to hope in easy distractions and i haven't even a little drink. i'm literally drowning in a waterdrop, i know.
very absurd fact: my new mobile has the funniest bug. when i compose text messages and i try writing any sequence that corresponds to the numbers 5-1-2, the T9 automatic dictionary decides i want to write "l'amarezza.", which is italian for "the bitterness."; the words appear onscreen and then the phone goes berserk and resets itself. heaven knows what i have done to end up with a phone that wants to keep me away from bitterness.
Fact: my migraine medication has some funny side effects, "it caused internal bleeding, occasionally deadly, in people with peptic ulcer, but sometimes also in people without". i liked the tone of that (the tone that i imagined).
Fact2: i'm bored and i'm reading whatever is on my desk.
fact: it takes one hour to dye my hair.
fact2: i don't know what colour my hair is right now.
I slept 8 hrs from 9am. Don't know how I'll sleep tonight.
I was bitter and bitchy towards that guy last night.
I hope I'm sick enough tomorrow to absent myself from work.


That's ridiculous. I'm always about love, not sex.

Wait, I still am the Window Shopper.
ew, Tutu.

Irene and I told Antonio (that weirdo) that she was part Indian and her real name was Annalakshmi. She had to marry a Cambodian plantation owner to escape her abusive parents in Australia. Oh, and I'm part Japanese.
Well if that means like Limppu's paw being in my mouth, no, that doesn't count :P

fact: I like kissing my cats' paws.
fact 2: I might be getting a new kitten, but i'm not sure if i want him because i'm scared.
fact 3: I'm totally in love with him though :erk:
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