Post a random fact about yourself

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Your love for your new kitten will not REPLACE the love you have for the ones who have passed on. They will always be there. Don't worry. ({)
...and what's so bad about that? It's not that you said "Hey sis, can I have a look? What.. bigger than mine!?"... right? :err:
Fact: there's absolutely nothing on tv and i have no movies on the pc that i'd like to (re)watch. this evening is going to be long.

Fact2: um is fucked. it always crashes

Fact3: while i was posting i thought about re-watching pulp fiction, i sort of have fun everytime i watch it.
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Idari: :lol: :lol: That is the funniest thing I've read in awhile :p.

Well can you imagine that seeing my sister's tits caused a huge fight that lasted for hours, and i cried most of that time.
Now i'm laughing hysterically at the thought that NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF MY SISTER HADN'T TRIED ON THAT SHIRT. :lol: She's unaware of the consequenses though.

fact: I'm about to piss my pants.
fact 2: I just managed to kill Rusty's horniness :p
fact 3: Rusty and i seem to always end up talking about tits/wanking, no matter what we're originally talking about.
fact 4: Right now i have the ugliest MSN avatar ever ^_^
fact: i like my new hair colour better than the last one. they're both red, but this one is a redder shade of red. me likes.

oh yeah, i forgot:
one of the colours they gave me for the mix has the number 6,66. omg, i'm so tr00. :p
i invented a game called dancing charades. well, ok, i'm sure someone else already invented it but i don't see anyone else doing it! what it is, is basically charades but you have to turn your hints into dance moves! sounds retarded? maybe, but it's craploads of fun plus you get a great workout! and if people stare, just flip them off and pretend it's part of your clue ;p
Fact: the poor version of cappuccino that's here in front of me is making me feel better, i may pack bags and run away with it.

...Fact2: :err: did the owners of this brand of coffee decide to put something into it to make it more "interesting"?

Fact3: have they been putting stuff in all my food for years?

ah, morning questions :p
Fact: Went to a party 2 nights ago, got really pissed and had everyone looking after me while I vommed up everywhere, and my boyfriend told me to f**k off yesterday night
Fact2: My hangover is lasting longer than expected
Fact3: I just ate 3 twixes and now i feel extremely guilty
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