Post a random fact about yourself

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Caelestia said:
This year I've gotten more emotionally damaged than ever. But I'm fine. Live and learn.
Same. And i was already pretty screwed up to begin with :rolleyes: But i'm not fine yet, no doubt with time i will be..
Fact: I watched a lady walk straight into a window today.. ouch. She kind of bounced off it and then fell onto the ground.. It looked painful. It also looked funny..
Fact: i randomly found on the net a joke-article about how to find out if your son smokes that i read ages ago.

Fact2: this morning i didn't manage to wake up, i'm still sort of sleeping even if i've been up for hours now.

Add fact 1 to fact 2 and i'm laughing like if this is one of the funniest things ever, i wish i'd always wake up like this.
- I'm freezing
- I'm on the phone and typing with one hand
- Abdominal Flexion is my new best friend ^_^ Even though it hurts me.
- I'm going to need new slippers soon, since my dogs are falling apart.
- I wore my dog slippers EVERY SINGLE DAY for 3 months after i got them.
Well said Li.
idari said:
- I'm going to need new slippers soon, since my dogs are falling apart.
:/ Those slippers were good. Don't throw them out, keep them.

Fact: I'm getting annoyed since I couldn't be bothered to go out and buy alochol earlier.
DE said:
Fact: I just deleted all of my PMs, apart from a couple of the more nostalgic ones :)
Fact: You can dump/archive your PM's to a text/CSV/XML format before deleting them from your account.... even the nostalgic ones. ;)
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