Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: I woke up nearly 10 hours ago.
Fact: I miss.
Fact: I think minty chocolate is the best kind of chocolate. *scoffs*
Fact: Tomorrow I get left alone for a whole day and night. Woo.
- WOOHOO I just re-arranged all my clothes! I was going through them and then saw something and was like "what the FUCK is this :|*stares* wtf...*thinks for five minutes**tries it on* what the fucking hell is this :|....OH IT'S THIS!!! I'D COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN I HAD THIS, WHOA" conclusion: I'm becoming like my sister, i own so many shirts that i can't remember half of them, and i should not ever buy clothes again.
- I made a complete fool (*typed "full"* :gun::)) of myself in town today, and it's Rusty's fault.
- I just told my parents that it smells like jesus in our house :err:
- I remind myself of my sister when i'm excited, which is a very very bad and scary thing.
- I'm tempted to eat, but i'm trying to fight it because i'd probably end up puking.
- I'm all sweaty because i've been dancing and jumping around going crazy, fun fun fun.
- I shouldn't stop when i'm excited, because when i sit down for more than 2 minutes i get exhausted. *runs off*
I remember a scene from csi, about some conspiracy between 2 persons (not the 5 principal characters) but i can't remember between exactly who and when it happened (the exact episode). It's driving me crazy (i just typed craxy, which could be the teen-age nickname of a famous person)
@hilj: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i LOVE your jokes (sorry for the non-italians, but that is too good to go ignored).

craxy - pray tell, what is the difference in pronunciation with the original version?
hyena said:
@hilj: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i LOVE your jokes (sorry for the non-italians, but that is too good to go ignored).

craxy - pray tell, what is the difference in pronunciation with the original version?
today i definitely feel flattered :grin:

for the pronunciation i'd leave like it is, cause it's dumb, and this is the good thing about teenager nicknames: i remembered a classmate in elementary school that was named giada, and she wanted to be called giady to shorten (where???) her name, which was and is one of the dumbest things i ever heard.
Monroe: I think so, I havent met anyone who fits, and I doubt I will :D. It's ok though, my beard is growing to a hermit level 4 beard, and as soon as that is done Im living in the woods alone :).

Maybe we do Violet, maybe we do ;).

Wolfman Von Jones said:
Maybe we do Violet, maybe we do ;).
having heard his voice on the phone as well, i must say nick is one of the most reassuring guys i've ever stumbled into. it's a pity he hasn't found the loving embrace of sweetness yet, as he clearly deserves it. and if there's anyone reading who's looking for a partner in the chicago area (or doesn't mind her partner being in the chicago area) i think they really really should take him into serious consideration.
Caelestia said:
I, on the other hand, have been a whiny messy puddle, and I hate it.
you know how i've been, how i am, so don't be silly.
i still say there will be one day when we'll be in a position to make them all squirm. i'll take care of yours and you'll take care of mine, it's been the perfect crime since crime was invented.
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