Post a random fact about yourself

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well, if i have a half it's certainly somebody really short.

fact: in the vein of a german band my friend loves so much, i must say that: i hate. i do. i hate certain people for the quantity of suffering they brought into this world for themselves and others. i long for the moment when i'm allowed to make it even and disarm their threat.
Fact: This morning I suffered a near-death experience when I almost ate the spider that had climbed into my glass of water overnight. Fortunately (in a way), it got trapped between my teeth, and once I felt something crunchy in there I wasted no time in spitting it out. Then came the near heart-attack when I realised exactly what had happened.

Fact: The past 4 or 5 times I've tried to type "nearly", I've typed "nrealy" instead.
Rusty said:
Fact: This morning I suffered a near-death experience when I almost ate the spider that had climbed into my glass of water overnight. Fortunately (in a way), it got trapped between my teeth, and once I felt something crunchy in there I wasted no time in spitting it out. Then came the near heart-attack when I realised exactly what had happened.
:hypno: That's worse than when i picked up a spider because i thought it was a piece of fluff. Was it still alive?
I just hunted down two of those long-legged flying thingies.. my dictionary says "Daddy Longlegs".. anyway, I hate those.. the long legs creep me out. I dont hate spider and I only hunt flies when they really annoy me.. but those long-legged beasts, they're over the line :yuk:
Rusty said:
Fact: This morning I suffered a near-death experience when I almost ate the spider that had climbed into my glass of water overnight. Fortunately (in a way), it got trapped between my teeth, and once I felt something crunchy in there I wasted no time in spitting it out. Then came the near heart-attack when I realised exactly what had happened.
i'm shivering just reading this, i'll never drink from my glass if i can't see perfectly inside from now on :eek:

as yayo once i picked up a spider from the floor (rather small, but a "fat" one, black and evil) thinking it was something inanimate that didn't want to bring me close to a heart attack like instead it did :ill:
YaYo said:
Was it still alive?
Yes. I put it on my desk and it wiggled a few legs in a feeble protest at the ordeal I put it through. Then I took pity on it and didn't squash it flat, but flicked it into a corner of the room instead. Then I ran away and didn't go back for an hour or so.

@Hil: I normally have a look inside the glass, but this time it was dark in the room and the git must have been hiding. :ill:

Fact: This morning I went to wash my hands and face and nearly had another heart-attack when a daddy-longlegs flew out of the plughole and into my face. It wouldn't have normally bothered me except I was tired and wasn't expecting it, since I hadn't seen anything down there.
Fact1: I feel like shit and I dont even know why...
Fact2: Gaby's not on so I dont know what could make me feel better right now at all :erk:
Fact3: Im gonna leave soon so maybe Im not gonna talk to her for another 24 hours :(
Fact4: Boohoohoo! :rolleyes:
Fact1: i have new shoes :grin: always puma, but different colors

Fact2: i love to have shorter hair, they dry in half time and people told me i look good (i do not believe that i look good, but "better" or "less bad" probably yes).

Fact3: i doubt that i'll grow my hair long like before ever again.
fact: i hate spiders. last week i saw a VERY big one on the wall of an hotel in ireland. since the establishment was quite fancy (hence spiders should not be tolerated), i went to the concierge and told them in a very serious voice that either they eliminated the spider or it would eliminate us all. i then led one guy to the place were the evil thing was, which happened to be close to a staircase. my theory was proven correct: three ladies of about 80 (each, not total) were stuck on the landing because they were afraid that the spider would jump on them or something while they descended. now, i'm not that paranoid, but i. hate. spiders.
fact: i was completely convinced it was sunday today, so i was obsessing over the fact that i can't buy smokes until 9pm (law stating that vending machines have to be switched off 7am-9pm to discourage minors from smoking. nice law, but i'm not a minor). now i realized that it's not sunday, especially because at this time tomorrow i will probably be throwing up everything i've ever eaten due to a bumpy ride on a fokker-50. so i need to obsess over being stupid and not telling days apart correctly.
Fact: my mother made catalan cream and i'm on my way to become a balljainen ;)

Fact2: i was about to post a long pfffff as the fact2, because pfffffness is indeed a fact right now, but i imagined people of the board throwing bombs at me (which wouldnt be bad, why then didn't i post pffff as a fact2? mysteries of the human brain).
I realised one of the ads that won an award (just a bronze) was one to which I made a small contribution. I was disappointed to see no mention of my name anywhere... The thing is, I had no part in the conception of the idea, yet I did have a role to play. Shouldn't that count for something? I'm uncertain whether it's a big enough deal to bring it up with my boss :\
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