Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: I am not a ninja.
Fact: I like the mix of liqourice and chocolate.
Fact: I don't feel like doing German grammar exercises.
Fact: I like translating textes from German into Finnish and from Finnish into German.
Fact: I suck at translating textes :p
Fact: I have less than 4 days in which to revise a whole year of Maths and Chemistry, since I've forgotten everything I learned during my first year doing them at college. Maybe I should actually try it, rather than sitting on my arse doing absolutely nothing all day. Or maybe not.
~Zeanra~ said:
Fact: I make pirate shits ^_^
You never did take that picture.
fact: i need to write a chapter for a book on Eastern Europe, and i also need to do it pretty soon.
fact: i am not str8edge. just never did that funky stuff :loco:
fact: when i grow up to be a man i want to be very bearded.
fact: i really did love that poetry thread thingy and i wonder what happened to malveaux...
fact: for the first time in more than three years of work in this building, i'm socializing with the students who frequent my library regularly. how could i have imagined some of them speak a human language?
idari said:
fact: I just transfered money into Tuomas' bank account, and he'll send me my shirt immediately :cool: *pwns the world*
*waits to be paid money owed*
fact: i'm nearly missing the 6.17 bus home, tim is in london until 10 tonight, and i'll have to walk. it's a nice walk, but still.
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