Post a random fact about yourself

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fact: I'm drunk and need to be at worko in 9 hrs... oh, and I need to sleep.

This should prove interesting.....
Fact: Anathema has been dropped, and I've turned all industrial. Mmmmm.
Caelestia said:
@Rusty: Best of luck! Be yourself and you should ace it :)
Thankies. The trouble being, I can't be entirely myself otherwise I wouldn't even bother turning up. ;) Anyway I managed to get through a 3 minute phone conversation with the woman who'll be interviewing me, so a half-hour interview is only a small step up, right?
Absolutely. It's like 10 phone conversations packed into one. Or 9 if you allow time for pauses and "erms." Relax. Think of UMers naked, smearing each other with feces or something milder like chocolate.
fact: sometimes i think that björk is about as close to god as any musician can ever get
fact: i have a slight tendency towards exaggerations
fact: i am just writing down a new song into my guitar-pro and i feel quite fine for the first time in days
fact: i just managed to put half a litre of milk INTO me and this makes me happy
-Im slightly drunk
-The guy who drove me back is really cool
-He played Vader covering Slayer's Raining Blood, which completely.. COMPLETELY blew me away.. I need that on my comp.. right now..
fact 1: its great living 1 min away from the corner bar :D
fact 2: suddenly everyone disappeared and i didnt ntoice
fact 3: im drunk too
fact 4: im confused amongst other thngs
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