Post a random fact about yourself

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Child of Time said:
I'm fascinated by evil nazis. (Not that I know if there are any good nazis. :err: )
me too, more or less. well that is too say, i do not think about nazis daily. i'm more fascinated by the good and evil in man, that is, how a man like Dr. Joseph Mengele, could be so evil, yet so "normal" ? This does not apply only to nazi germany, but to anything, altho it is more obvious to look at a specific case. I certainly do not admire evil persons, i merely look at them to see, why is it that humans are capable of such atrocities, yet many of us hold the ideals of the other side? Was Mengele a monster to his children as well? I doubt he was any worse than say, an abusive stepfather. Possibly he was even a "good" family father. I really cant say. And this fascinates me with the nazi camps, because the way history is taught at swedish schools, we are led to believe that all of germany was more or less indoctrined by the nazi ideals, that is, ARYAN ideals and etc. So, all germans living at the time period of 1939-1945 were nazi influenced, a few percent of resistance not counted. How is it then, that 60 years later, we do flourishing business with germans, and have cooperations in the EU, with no respect to this? Is it not wrong to label all of germany at the time of the nazi era, as EVIL? I would say so. A war such as the world war 2, did not just contain nazi ideals. To those soldiers fighting in the war on germanys behalf, not counting SS, i would say most of them were brave soldiers like any nation would expect, and there is nothing disgraceful about them. They were not evil per se. (This, disregarding what many of us may think of war and killing, but disregardless, it is part of human history)

anyway, on with the random details:

/me quotes Arch
i'm a geek and i like helping people with their computers
Rusty said:
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, Spikkiinpuu. ;)

Fact: Is going to see Rusty at SOME POINT in the upcomming weeks, whether he likes it or not.* :heh:

*Kidding, we'll catch up if he wants to catch up.... not that I've heard his opionoin on that mattter as of yet! =P

Fact: Mother was UNO champion of the state back in the dark ages. (about 8 years ago)
Malaclypse aka VC: 'i am the evil blahman, theres no doub about that! (meaning, i suck enough at deutsch to not translate tscherman) however, i have most respect for VC or malaclypse as a person already.. i consider him among one of the few persons i've met on the internet, still not knowing, and still respecting fully. this is not common.. just keep that in mind vc.. we "fsf/open source" people dont commonly stumble upon people we would gladly trade iptables-scripts with... this means more to me than UM . :) "
Lina said:
let's hope you haven't already gotten to the D's in your cd-burning project. :)
i haven't gotten far at all... i'm flooded with new stuff i take home daily and i don't have the time to check every new track for burning. :erk: also, encoding my original cds is going to take a very long time as well. i'm not prepared, it's a task beyond my means. *starts sobbing*
rahvin said:
also, encoding my original cds is going to take a very long time as well. i'm not prepared, it's a task beyond my means. *starts sobbing*
Which program do you use to rip? I have an entire guide I can provide with programs and codecs that may be able to relieve some of the headaches associated with encoding.
rahvin said:
i haven't gotten far at all... i'm flooded with new stuff i take home daily and i don't have the time to check every new track for burning. :erk: also, encoding my original cds is going to take a very long time as well. i'm not prepared, it's a task beyond my means. *starts sobbing*

Sole4Raziel said:
Which program do you use to rip? I have an entire guide I can provide with programs and codecs that may be able to relieve some of the headaches associated with encoding.
i'm using eac paired with lame. i'm very picky when it comes to file names and tags (you guessed it -- everything has to be lower case ;)) and eac does a rather ok job in my opinion. it's just that it *technically* takes a long long time for each record to be ripped.

then, once i have enough 192bps or higher albums ripped, i stuff them all on a cd, making sure i'm putting bands whose names begin with the same first letters so that i'll be able to store the cds more or less alphabetically in the future. it's just a very huge job, considering i own about 1000 regular audio cds, and around *ahem* 12,000 tracks in mp3 format. :erk:

@lina: that was teh gay. :bah:
It fits the general homoeroticism of the forum :p.

Well Rahv my man, there certainly is no such thing as having too much music :D.

I almost died when I was 3 years old from seizure.

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