Post a random fact about yourself

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a random fact about me is that very few people ever come to have lunch with me during my lunch break. :cry: i don't understand why and i invite you all to please drop by my office during lunch break and take me out to eat something. i promise i'm gonna be witty and interesting and i'll even pay for your meal.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
I had a terrible nightmare last night and it involved people from UM boards. :yell:
Such as Hearse, Windom Pearl and other Farmakon guys. :confused:
Sounds interesting... what was it about.

Caelestia said:
i need some balls.
Don't we all... :p and the human creatures attached to them :evil:

Random fact about moi: I have a crush on Andreas Lagios. I think you all know who that is. :p I wish I was a celeb so I could date him. :D
I dreamt of 3 people from UM.
It's a sure sign that I need to spend less here on UM.

Was I one of the peeps Arch dreamed about? :p

Probably not.

Oh, the cotton puff things rule btw.

I like shiny things.
2 girls and 1 guy.
Nothing sexual.
Malaclypse said:
heh congrats me too, er i mean, an, uh, marriage witness or something.

did you prepare a speech? i didn't :erk:
Nah, only the bestman and the father of the bride will have to make a speech. Gods, i wouldn't be going to the wedding if i had to make one :lol:

Spikkeli said:
@Su-su: Could you possibly mangle my name any more than you already have? :erk:
I'm sure i'll figure out something ;)

[/quote=Russledussle]blahblahblahyoudon'tpissfor5daysandsoforth[/quote]:lol: I've pissed a bit more lately :/

fact: It's true that NO ONE can hold pee in like i can :cool:
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