Post a random fact about yourself

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Looooong ago before I ever started listening to metal, a metalhead friend of mine said "I wonder why you don't listen to metal. It's the most romantic music in the world".
I thought it was the best joke in the century.
But now I think that maybe he was partly right. :)
King Chaos said:
I used to be a total tornado nut. Ive never seen one, However 8 years ago there was one 4 miles from where I live (Really small, like not even an F1) but it touched the ground and lasted fifteens minutes. I remember begging my dad to take me to see the destrucion. just looking around you could see where it started and stoped because it went through a wood and took out a path way of trees.

@Divine Shadow: I take you've witnessed one... whats it like??????

I've never seen a tornado and I hope I never do. But they've passed very close to my house before and they scare me (of course I'm sure they scare most people). On one TV documentary show they showed this family taking a guided tour to chase tornadoes just for recreational purposes. The worst part was they had their 2 small children traveling with them in the back of the SUV! That's just :OMG:
Spike said:
if you're going to be like that dear, at least do it properly, like this:


My cat looks just like this! (except for the funny expression lol!)
idari said:
@ Spikkis: Errr i think my Jorma pic was about 292375872935902385098468978945 times better :p
*cough* mine :p

When I go to the toilet, I'll often rip off the outside "layer" of toilet roll and discard it straight away, and only use the lower "layers" for myself.
i have next to no perception of risk when it comes to physical danger: i find it hard to relate to the possibility of hurting myself in any physical way - even though it happens more than once in a while - and that makes me very careless. the only tangible thing i'm completely and badly scared of is moths. i cannot be in the same room as one.
When I was little, I used to eat the local flora. Whenever we were outdoors, I used to grab leaves off plants and eat them. I never got poisoned. Of course, I'm still a big salad fan today. ;)
Lassie, I can safely say I've never intended to come in between you and your toilet roll. I know how strong that bond is, how you've nurtured it over the years, how you call on it in times of need, and frankly most other times as well just for the hell of it... there's no way I'd ever interfere with that.
Hearse said:
I dont understand those mat matches, you're 87% match to me but still I dont see you in the match list :erk:
reset the auto-cache thingy. haven't found you yet but kov is on my list and you and i are supposedly better matched.
Rusty said:
Lassie, I can safely say I've never intended to come in between you and your toilet roll. I know how strong that bond is, how you've nurtured it over the years, how you call on it in times of need, and frankly most other times as well just for the hell of it... there's no way I'd ever interfere with that.
:lol: HAHAH

I feel sorry for his parents..they're probably constantly running out of money, because they're running out of toilet paper, because a certain someone in the house is very..NEEDY. ;p

fact: I'm freezing :ill:
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