Post a random fact about yourself

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From what I've seen of the translation of the original, Ohne Dich is something to the effect of: "I'm standing by the firs of the big forest she disappeared into, now I'm lonely without you, you're the only one" or something.
Fact: the ignore list is my friend. He blocks annoying sigs, he blocks annoying avatars, he blocks annoying locations, he blocks annoying posting styles.
But this is the "post a random fact about yourself" thread... so you're UM? :eek:

Fact: I'm astounded. I thought UM would be taller.
fact: I've giggled a lot at Ben and Rus today here by myself.
fact: I think i'm in need of a new drinking-spree. I shall continue my alcoholism when i get some money.
fact: I'm a bit addicted to this song.
edit fact: The dogs are stalking me again.
Fact: i'm tr00, i'm eating cookies called "dead's bread" and "bones to bite". or something similar to that.
Fact2: never make me translate anything, not even cookie names.
Fact3: i just said no to going out, don't know if i'll be still happy about this in a couple of hours.
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