Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: I think we are...well not supposed, but we just are...those few that get water because we are the few "chosen". It's a fucked up situation for many Africans and everybody else who is short on said fluid, but can we please stop feeling sorry for everyone and everything? Unless you're going to start exporting water to Africa there's very little you can do.
That aside, I can't fucking wait for our store to get BE and strangle the clerks for not knowing to leave me a copy last week!
Those who don't know why I'm saying that fact of mine...well, don't read it. Or forget it.
@ouga: Did you get BE yet? If not, did you read the lyrics on the site? Really really great stuff...btw The Perfect Element has better lyrics than Concrete Lake, mmkay? :)
Ben: (}) gee, thanks.

Hevosmies: you're right about the water situation. but i can't stop feeling sorry for them. i'm one of those people who cry at night cause some little kid in Africa who i've never met has AIDS. i'm fucked up, i know.
about BE, no, i only have 4 songs, but i'll surely buy the album as soon as i get in Helsinki. which is tomorrow or the day after. and yea, i read the lyrics. really really great stuff indeed! :D
and no, i prefer The Perfect Element musically, but i like CLs lyrics more. though The Perfect Element has brilliant lyrics too. :)
Fact: I found my niece a present, now I can relax (ha).
Fact: I also bought myself Monstrous Regiment, by good old TP.
Fact: I just typed "about" instead of "bought" and "but" instead of "by". No sleep = dodgy typing.
Fact: I won't start reading MR straight away because I've just started reading The Silence of the Lambs for the first time.
Fact: In a change from the scheduled listing, tonight there will be whiskey avec Anathema.
Fact: Both chemistry and maths will go from easy to very hard next week. Oh deary me.
Fact: I got the info for my assessment day on Friday - it doesn't look like it will be as hideous as I thought it would be.
Rusty said:
Fact: I also bought myself Monstrous Regiment, by good old TP.

When you come across something like (yes, in italics (I think)) "The world doesn't revolve around you", let me know what page it's on. Polly is thinking about something if I'm not mistaken, but I can't remember what was happening so no help there...fairly early in the book I think. I loved that part but now that I tried to find it again I couldn't.

Do you think not drinking would be good for you? :p Just so you could, you know, try something new.
Fact: I'm fed up of filling out forms.
Fact: I've broken a personal record today.
Fact: I'm bloody starbing, and I still can't type.
Fact: I hate the word Funktionsverbgefüge.
Fact: I hate when I don't know/when I can't find the *actual* meaning of a word, the explanation, and just get these fancy "modern" words.
Fact: I hate to translate a text that is written poorly, which doesn't really make any sense or there are strange, not the usual words used.
Fact: I hate it when I can't remember a really simple grammar thing, and have to look for it from a book containing hundreds or pages.
- Being at home seems all weird to me these days, because i basically live somewhere else :erk: I feel weird and distant when i'm at home, and everything seems like...the past :s
- I miss my cats even though i'm with them <3
- I need new music, i'm getting bored of all the old stuff.
- I feel guilty and sad because Jorma's alone all the time :( I wish he could stay inside.
- I wanted to see my friends tomorrow but i think i'm too tired for it.
- My back hurts.
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