Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: i'm sort of tired, my eyes would scare satan
Fact: i'm about to go out, not a nice evening i fear
Fact: i had vodka to "celebrate" the end of the week
Fact: i have this song in mind too much
Fact: if next year i decide to go live in pavia i've already been offered a place
TheFourthHorseman said:
When you come across something like (yes, in italics (I think)) "The world doesn't revolve around you", let me know what page it's on. Polly is thinking about something if I'm not mistaken, but I can't remember what was happening so no help there...fairly early in the book I think. I loved that part but now that I tried to find it again I couldn't.
hyena said:
@hilj: go study NOW. we don't want your fine intellect lost to laziness.
pfff fine intellect :p yes, i'm going to, i'm not that lazy

Fact: i hope my cat stops jumping around my feet
Fact: it's funny how now i have a white ear and a purple one
Fact: posting in this thread without facts i feel naked, so i post also the silliest ones
Hilj said:
Fact: it's funny how now i have a white ear and a purple one
..please explain.

KC said:
Fact: I hate writing ESSAY Plans
So do I, man ..with a passion.

KC said:
Fact: my hair has lost its volume as of late.
Here you go, bro:

Fact: I got a raise :D
fact: my parents apparently enjoyed their visit, but they are worried about my health. i don't want them to be. pfff.
Fact: I have to wake up at 5:30 am to go to work.
Fact: I will always enjoy a good chicken taco
Fact: I am spending the weekend before Halloween in Michigan at my friend's farm, hilarity will ensue. Which is a good thing, b/c I need sometime away.
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