Post a random fact about yourself

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fact: I take 10 pills every day :ill:
fact: I love my piano.
fact: My life has become empty.
fact: I wish i could tell them that i'm sorry, but i can't. I'm so very sorry.
fact: I've let someone down once again and i hate seeing them sad because of me.
fact: I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow.
fact: My friday is double-booked :erk: or triple-booked.
fact: I yelled at Limppu today because she caught a cute mouse. When i yelled "Limppu! :mad:" she instantly froze and dropped the mouse out of her mouth, hah..well trained baby. Later she apologised and i forgave her and we cuddled.
Fact: i sort of feel like i drank 100 coffees, nervous, and about to break down
Fact: i'm about to give up reading another time the same things
Fact: i feel left behind
Fact: these facts were not really related
Fact: i post too much
@hilj: best of luck on your exams and let us know how they go!

fact: it's closing time for a part of my life, in a way.
fact2: maybe everyone has closing times for parts of their lives.
fact3: nothing is ever cut out as sharply and neatly and stuff comes back after closing time.
fact4: i wish i could know how to falsify fact3.
MagSec4 said:
Hiljie: I hope you're ok..
I would advice to try to not think about the negative aspect of things/life too much.
Share some good/happy things with us.
it would be nice to have something nice to think about ;)

(no, actually a nice thing in this bubuness is that i may start a comic book with a friend, and probably get to sell it or anyway give it to people, if i find time, how and why is really complicate to explain)

Fact: I think I'm getting sick..
oww, get well soon!

@CoT: well, if i don't pass the chemistry exam it's not a problem, cause i can anyway do the 2nd exam in december without passing this first one, the professor told us that is should only be a sort of alarm bell if we fail it.
the other one is a problem, cause i'll be able to re-take it in december, but in that same week there are oral exams of the same subject and with time the amount of stuff to study will be more than double, so i'd risk to fail both

@hyena: thank you :)
-I hope you guys feel better soon, and Mag: dont get too sick ok? :p
-Im having some delicious tea
-I'll have a beer later, and watch a film
-I hope it'll be a nice evening.. Id like to feel good about one day for a change
-I should kick myself in the ass, I cant stay as pathetic as this for much longer.. hmpf :(
Hiljainen said:
it would be nice to have something nice to think about ;)

(no, actually a nice thing in this bubuness is that i may start a comic book with a friend, and probably get to sell it or anyway give it to people, if i find time, how and why is really complicate to explain)
There we go. Now doesn't that sound nice. And thanks for your wishes.

Northern Viking said:
and Mag: dont get too sick ok? :p
You got it, boss.

t.a.j. said:
I'm currently at my girlfirends place, waiting for her to come home from work, playing on a NES emulator.
Yeah.. just don't steal anything, ya hear?

Fact: I'm beating this stubborn virus bastard..
And I hope it comes again, I dare it! :heh:
Fact: ok, so, according to what i counted i should have reached decency in the chemistry exam. (we had a really easy way to guess our final grade cause we were given the number of points for right answer and the answers were 30, which is also the highest grade)
the other one instead is almost impossible to evaluate, but i think anyway that in this one i reached pure uncut abomination, instead of decency (for everyone on this forum that is not hilj this means i doubt i passed it)
@hilj: good for exam 1 and sorry for exam 2, although i'm laughing at pure uncut abomination.

fact: i'm a bit nostalgic of some fascist laws that mandated lenience and short sentences (in the judicial, not grammatical sense) for passion-driven homicide.
@hyena: :p that was the most accurate expression that came to my mind.
about the tests, well, i'll know hopefully at the end of this week..then i'll bore you all again with the actual results.

Fact: in Pavia's train station there's a platform called BU. i really want to take a train from that one one day, even if i don't know were i'll end.
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