What's happenin folks. This here is my first post, but I spose startin with a rig shot is as good an intro as any!
Anyway, this is the studio in my home that my dad and I share. He's a pretty hoity-toity trumpet player (as well as recent bugle historian), so he does a lot of recording. Hence, moolah for equipment that I have just as much use for!

Wahoo! Not much, granted, but the Rode NT1-A is a sweet little condenser for not much cashola, and the A.R.T. Tube Mic Preamp and M-Audio 2496 zero latency soundcard work wonderfully to bring the tunes that the SM57 (I had to pay for that one

) picks up. Oh yeah, and a free copy of Cubase SX2 from my bud Cody (username Exsanguis), who also recommended all this equipment to me. Thank you always chum.
As for what you can see, that's an ebay-ified 5150 ($600, and it's held up well, though the tubes are in dire need of replacing), my new ESP LTD EC-400 (with EMG 81's), and my beloved Ibanez RGT42FM with a Dimarzio Tone Zone and Air Norton in the bridge and neck, respectively. I bought it when I had a monster hard-on for Dream Theater that has since GREATLY faded (goddamn Jordan Rudess, that stupid self-indulgent classical wanker), but I still love the unique and heavy sound that I get from the neck-thru construction and mahogany body (yes, a Mahogany RG, believe it or not). Oh yeah, and my old Marshall AVT20 and mom's acoustic case (with a USA Tacoma inside) in the background.
So whaddya think fellas?