Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

wonder what cut jon watched then
cos my dvd case says 155 minutes, 2 hrs 35. just a mistake with the numbers mebbe?
Pi wasn't too bad, but rating it higher than Clockwork Orange is... well, they could have dropped in just about any obscure or arcane profession without explanation in place of 'number theorist' (which is rarely found outside academia) and run fewer risks of factual mistakes like an error in the first few digits of pi or using the wrong letter for the Golden Ratio. It was interesting as a thriller, but the mathematics were about as deep as the computing concepts in Antitrust, if even that...

Clockwork Orange, on the other hand, is a work of sheer fucking brilliance whose only faults are things changed for legal reasons (actresses/actors of legal age to appear nude) or the absence of the 'real' ending Burgess thought was so critical. If it's taken just as a random violent film with nudity and not thought about, it certainly doesn't seem too great - but the whole thing is really about the illusion of choice in dogmatic systems attempting to legislate morality arbitrarily, and it does a very good job of showing the flaws of many parts of pop sociology through the problems that arose from the Ludovico technique...

... fuck this, I need to shut up before I sound like a goddamned literary analyst.

On a side note, it seems that there are a lot more ratings in the upper half of the scale than I'd expect, are people just afraid of 2 for some reason?


God I love A Clockwork Orange. Kubrick = god.

Saw these lately :
Zack And Miri Make A Porno : 7.5/10
Pineapple Express : 7.0/10
Children Of A Lesser God : 7.5/10
The Big Country : 8.5/10
no they didnt :)
too much creative liberty taken
was the slow-mo really needed? was the extra blood and gore that wasnt in the book really needed? was the batman voice really needed? was giving ozymandias (who is just a man, keep in mind) super strength really needed?
i appreciate that they needed to cut stuff out, i dont appreciate all the extra shit that got added that's just zack snyder's own personal masturbation material.
it's got the heart intact at least, just as the comic was a subversion of superhero comics of the time, the movie is a subversion of modern superhero movies, and i respect that.

Agree. I feel that with the added extra gore, fights and awkward sex scene, they were trying to hit up a certain demographic of teens maybe. I still have a love/hate thing with the movie. Hell, people still don't even know Alan Moore wrote it. Well, those who read the comic know.
david hayter and alex tse wrote the screen play but alan moore wrote the book ;)
Ah ok, a case of an incorrectly defined antecedent to the "it" pronoun then :D ("I still have a love/hate thing with the movie. Hell, people still don't even know Alan Moore wrote it.")
Personally I enjoyed the gore in watchmen. It was unnecessary and even unexpected at times that's why I liked it. Took people by surprise :). I liked how it avoided a lot of cliches.
The story was awesome and to me personally not confusing at all (as many people complained) and I wasn't bored even for a second.
The casting could be a little better (except Rorschach and the comedian).
Along with Dark Knight they were the best movies I saw this season.
I'd rate it at 9/10
Superbad 10/10
The Hangover 10/10

I know these aren't quality movies of any sort, but god damn did I laugh my ass off! :lol: The constant onslaught of lolz alone gives them both a ten.
^^^ +1. I'll have to watch Superbad again. Haven't seen that in a while.


District 9: 7 or 8/10

500 days of Summer: 7/10

Yes Man: 7/10

the latest Star Trek: 9/10
i hate to be rating this movie on this topic for like
the 4th or 5th time or whatever
but i just watched mulholland drive with le mother and i quote: "i loved it."
Totally stoked, just watched a lynch with mum and she loved it, this is good times :)

10/10 as always, classic movie!
The last crusade has the wicked high-speed aging bit at the end, and that double agent is pretty hot.


Raiders of the lost ark has that awesome face melting part.
For my taste(s), the story seemed to be slapped together rather than progress. And the typical hero-shags-girl scene was far too early in the movie before any real action had taken place. Dont get me wrong in only giving it a 6 out of 10 rating because I'm an Indiana Jones fanboy, BUT, compared to Temple of Doom (which is undoubtedly my favorite of the series) it was lacking a certain suave during transitions and film editing. Steven Spielberg is an awesome director without any doubts, but I just wasn't as impressed by The Last Crusade as I remember being when watching Temple of Doom as a kid. Perhaps it would be fair to have an Indiana Jones marathon to refresh my memory before stamping an official rating on this thread, no?