Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

History of violence 10/10 (but only uncut)

Eastern promises 10/10

damn all Cronberg movies get 10/10 from me!!!!!!!

Do you guys know "dead zone" directed by Cronberg with Christopher Walken

This one gets 11/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saw VI= 7/10 ( Saw 4 and 5 were like 4/10 and 3/10 for me, Saw 6 is a lot better)
Paranormal activity= 7/10 (probably 8 if I would have seen it at home and not in a movie theater)
I've been on an Arnie kick.

Total Recall: 10.5 out of 10

Predator: 13 out of 10

Conan the Barbarian: 17.5 out of 10


i hope you've been to the subtlenegger topic

I have to admit, my tolerance for bad movies is through the roof, i will watch some utter turd films… but i think the full version of history of violence is brutal as fuck
Megashark Vs Giant Octopus

8/10 for the lulz factor, terrible terrible terrible acting, shoddy cgi scenes repeated over and over and over from different angles, amazingly funny.
i love, you beth cooper..teenie stuff comedy thing...hayden panettiere is just so fucking amazing!:D 8/10
land of the lost...will ferrell is my hero! 9/10
observe & report...very strange movie, great humor 9/10

I just saw Antichrist... Damn some scenes from that movie will now be forever stuck in my head. Very disturbing.

local film society did a screening of it, decided it sounded awesome but i didnt go cos i totally forgot.

gonna be one i pick up on dvd for sure.

i am about to re-watch american history x. D: