Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Ooh right, forgot about this thread - saw "9" a couple of weeks ago, and I'd say...6.5/10 - the lack of basically any character development I could pretty much understand, cuz there are some movies where the backstories of the characters aren't important but rather just the circumstances they're in; however, I still think more could have been done to establish the environment and a bit more of an original antagonist (a big scary unspeaking robot, oy :rolleyes: ), and far too much time was wasted on substanceless action scenes IMO (as George Lucas said, "a special effect without a story is a very boring thing"). I will admit, I was really getting caught up in it in the final act, when the secrets of the Talisman were beginning to be revealed, but the ending was such a fucking letdown, I was seriously expecting a bit more to happen than what did (obviously avoiding spoilers here, but if you've seen it you know what I mean). The animation of course was great, but that can't carry a film by itself IMO!
Aliens - 1/10
It's the second out of the series. Directed by James Cameron. Cost me 2,5 hours of my life that I'll never get back... Boring as fuck!
Don't you think it's stupid, that it's set in a world/time were mankind travles space and lives on various planets and they still think it's funny to call a hispanic character an 'illegal alien'?

Star Wars Episode III is currently on. I don't like the 'new' Trilogy. I don't think it was necessary to produce it. If you were a fan you already knew what was going to happen and the acting is also kinda poor, especially Hayden Christensen's. Furthermore I think the more or less improvised Special Effects of the first three movies gave it that certain touch that made it something special. Right now im feeling like I'm watching scenes from a computer game.
Aliens - 1/10
It's the second out of the series. Directed by James Cameron. Cost me 2,5 hours of my life that I'll never get back... Boring as fuck!
Don't you think it's stupid, that it's set in a world/time were mankind travles space and lives on various planets and they still think it's funny to call a hispanic character an 'illegal alien'?

WTF?? One of the best movies ever, I think many will agree
Martyrs- 9/10

Easily one of the most brutal movies I've ever seen. Sick, disturbing movie but thought-provoking at the same time.
I like Aliens purely because it's a lot of fun and not completely brain dead, unlike 99% of action films made nowadays.
Aliens - 1/10
It's the second out of the series. Directed by James Cameron. Cost me 2,5 hours of my life that I'll never get back... Boring as fuck!
Don't you think it's stupid, that it's set in a world/time were mankind travles space and lives on various planets and they still think it's funny to call a hispanic character an 'illegal alien'?

Star Wars Episode III is currently on. I don't like the 'new' Trilogy. I don't think it was necessary to produce it. If you were a fan you already knew what was going to happen and the acting is also kinda poor, especially Hayden Christensen's. Furthermore I think the more or less improvised Special Effects of the first three movies gave it that certain touch that made it something special. Right now im feeling like I'm watching scenes from a computer game.

Well his first paragraph anyway, but he's spot on with the second! :D And yeah, I really like Aliens mainly because it was the first movie to really introduce the modern concept of the space marine; it has SO freakin' many quotable quotes ("I like to keep this handy for close encounters" :cool: ), and I just really like the writing and pacing of all Cameron movies in general (though haven't seen "Titanic" since it came out so I can't say for that one :D) He's one of my favorite filmmakers though, definitely, along with Oliver Stone and John Carpenter

Oooh, but one thing I don't like about Aliens is the fact that Jerry Goldsmith (who scored it) so blatantly rips himself off by stealing themes from the very near-and-dear-to-my-heart scores of Star Treks II and III (and he did it again in "The Rocketeer", and I'm sure there were others - the guy has great ideas, but he sure milks 'em dry! :loco: )
Well, I might have been in some kind of mood so that I didn't enjoy the movie but actually I don't really think so. When I made up my mind about which movie to watch that night Aliens was the first one I stumbled upon and I was like 'Yeah, that's it' at once and it normally takes ages for me to decide on a movie. Well, whatever.

'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer' is on today. Read the book a few years ago and liked it so I'm looking forward to seeing what they made of it. However I'm generally suspicious when it comes to film adaptions. It seems like they make up at least 70% of what Holywood does nowadays. Most people only find out when they see the end titles.
I've never been capitvated by any Alien movie and I'm pretty sure I've seen most of them now. Everyone says the first one is a classic but I just found it dull.
Well his first paragraph anyway, but he's spot on with the second! :D And yeah, I really like Aliens mainly because it was the first movie to really introduce the modern concept of the space marine; it has SO freakin' many quotable quotes ("I like to keep this handy for close encounters" :cool: ), and I just really like the writing and pacing of all Cameron movies in general (though haven't seen "Titanic" since it came out so I can't say for that one :D) He's one of my favorite filmmakers though, definitely, along with Oliver Stone and John Carpenter

Oooh, but one thing I don't like about Aliens is the fact that Jerry Goldsmith (who scored it) so blatantly rips himself off by stealing themes from the very near-and-dear-to-my-heart scores of Star Treks II and III (and he did it again in "The Rocketeer", and I'm sure there were others - the guy has great ideas, but he sure milks 'em dry! :loco: )

James Horner scored "Aliens", and he is very well know for re-using his own well as "borrowing" from other composers. Jerry Goldsmith did the original "Alien" film which was very atmospheric.