Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

id say inland empire but i think many would be very, very inclined to disagree with me. most would say mulholland drive because its a good blend of story, characterisation and his trademark surrealism.
mulholland drive is brilliant but inland empire showcases a director pushing the very boundaries of what the medium of film is capable of, story, plot and characterisation be damned.
plus no other film has fucked me quite as much as IE, it did horrible, horrible things to me. out of body experiences, palpitations, heart beating so hard my chest was in agony

Yeah, I disagree....;)

Inland empire may have to someone the same effect as Gareth and enjoy it immensely or it may not (it didn't for me) but I definitely wouldn't recommend it as the first David Lynch movie to watch (blue velvet doesn't count). Like Gareth said, I'd suggest to go with Mulholland Dr. and Lost Highway and if you enjoy them give IE a try.
district 9 1/10
still scratching my head as to why this gets a 8.3 over at imdb. to be fair i didn't watch the whole thing. had to turn if off after 15mins. but seriously... are we to believe a race of beings intelligent enough to construct a space ship that travels the universe and have the technology to keep a million ton ship hover a few miles over earth would act like that?
The Invention of Lying 8/10
good movie! thought provoking if nothing else.
Wanted 8 / 10

Angelina Jolie gets naked and you get to see her amazing ass.

Action was pretty sick too
Just got the game for PS3 and it's not terrible amazingly
Law Abiding Citizen 8/10

Was actually surprised how raw this movie got. Wasn't expecting it to be as hardcore as it was.
Yeah, I'd give Avatar a solid 9/10 (just saw it tonight), the visuals really do have to be seen to be believed, and the story was just as I expected, not overly groundbreaking or unique (though the element of them actually being able to "jack in" to the animals and even plants of the planet, forming a neural net, was pretty awesome), but well-told, and captivating - one thing I wasn't entirely clear on however was how the military was answering to that little corporate wiener, but then I realized that it probably wasn't the military, but rather a private mercenary army (there were a handful of dialog hints to that effect EARLY in the movie, but I feel like I could count them on one hand, would've been nice if they'd made that a bit clearer, but that's a minor quip)
8/10 Triangle (2009)

This really hit me by a surprise! I thought it would be yet another boring slasher without any efforts even trying to be bearable,
and I thought I'd fall asleep pretty quickly after starting to watch it around 5am.

Needless to say I didn't fall asleep and found myself at IMDB after the movie, reading info on it.

Storytelling and acting was well executed on this one, had abit of Stephen King-vibe on it, in a good way.

Easily worth checking out :)
Dude! The bathtub scene! :puke:

And a donkey punch in the middle of an ass raping against a big rock in the woods ... how can this not be in EVERYONE'S collection!

Exactly. Its just pure prutality. The bitch gets raped a million times, then hacks everyone up. What's not to like.

I just watched Donnie Darko again - 8/10. Not bad - I like the time travel theory shit. And, the satanic bunny rabbit is awesome too.
I (as anybody else in the world today) went to the cinema to see Avatar yesterday.

The story itself i think is not that great, i mean it certainly is well written but not very original or anything. But holy shit! The visuals more then made up for the story. I got to see the 3D version and it was mindblowing, a solid 8.5/10 for me.
Pandorum - 3/10 Not creative, very little to do with the actual effects of "pandorum" and was a cheap monster flick. It only 3 got points from me for technical and acting skill. (i.e. editing didn't suck, acting was good enough, etc.)

P.S. I Love You - 0/10 Yet another accent Gerard Butler can't do.
8/10 Triangle (2009)

This really hit me by a surprise! I thought it would be yet another boring slasher without any efforts even trying to be bearable,
and I thought I'd fall asleep pretty quickly after starting to watch it around 5am.

Needless to say I didn't fall asleep and found myself at IMDB after the movie, reading info on it.

Storytelling and acting was well executed on this one, had abit of Stephen King-vibe on it, in a good way.

Easily worth checking out :)

I just saw this. I'm a little :zombie:

It's like watching a short movie 3 times with a plot at the end.:lol: