Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Saw Cop out this morning. 5/10.

I don't think I'd recommend it. It wasn't a bad movie, just not a noteworthy movie. I'm starting to see alot of amateur-ish aspects of Kevin smith's work that bothers me. I love most of his movies, but this movie and clerks 2 definately had some bad moments - whether its the writing, the acting or the casting.

I've also got to say - this movie had one of the most laughable score's and soundtracks I've ever heard. Not to mention a terrible audio mix - really bad. There was also noticeable audio issues in the dialogue tracks that were likely from poor recordings.
I'm a little ashamed of this one :oops:

New Moon 4/10

Being a huge fan of vampires I gotta say, these vamps suck. I don't know what they where thinking with the wolves. They looked cartoonish. The acting was shit. The best part for me was seeing Dakota Fanning, she looked cool but her short part in the movie was shit as well. I would rate it lower but I've seen far worst.

Gonna have to watch some Underworld or Interview with the Vampire to wash the shame off.
Yeah Antichrist was great! It still gives me the creeps, though :lol: Great acting, great story, and very very disturbing.
10/10 for sure.
But Lars von Trier's best movie i've seen so far is Dogville. The end was just epic win.

And the last movie i watched? "Percy Jackson & the Olympians"
1/10 :ill:
Boondock Saints II - 3/10

It literally PAINS me to say that though. I seriously love the first, both personal and cinematic reasons, but the second is just a mockery of the first. Lame acting by people who can do a crap load better, uninteresting and uncreative plot line, crappy camera work, the list goes on. If the only reason you liked the first was because of the shooting and the T&A, then you'll the like the second. But if you are actually looking for a decent movie, BSII does not deliver.

I only give it a three because they stuck with the original cast and St. Patty's day is coming up.
Rec - 7/10

Just bought the dvd last night based on how much better it was (supposedly) than Quarantine according to some of you movie snobs on here :p I say this with luv and respect ... go eat a dick :D It was almost identical ... the only differences were towards the last 15 minutes and the ending and I will admit this, my wife and I both liked the ending for Rec better, it was more disturbing and creepy without a doubt. I was just expecting something so much different and better overall and it wasn't. I liked Quarantine just as much as this
UP IN THE AIR .... 3/10..... Turd

Fucking George Clooney is gonna be the new member of my black list of actors with no personality which movies suck and I should avoid.

George Clooney (new)
Richard Gere
Meryl Strip
Steve Martin
Sandra Bullock
Hugh Grant
Meg Ryan
Julia Roberts
The new Alice... Way disappointing.
Oh and btw 3D can suck my ass!

Expecting anything less than for that film to suck is idiocy in its purest form :loco:
Come on, Tim Burton shitting all over Lewis Carrol and people think it wasn't going to suck?
I'm going to be steering very very clear of that one.

Anyway, Mum bought me Slumdog Millionaire the other day and I watched it last night. Wasn't expecting to like it based on the advertising campaign making it look like a fucking cheesefest, I was so wrong. Excellent movie. Visually gritty, stunning photography, emotionally powerful, great character arcs, great soundtrack. 9/10. It dragged a bit at one point and that's my only real complaint.