Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

American History X - 9/10

This film was just incredible, and so fucking horrible in places. It really showed how pointless everything is, and it was pretty depressing, but I liked it, it was a really good film!
Alice in wonderland 5/10
New burton movie sucks plain and simple. I'm huge burton fan but this doens't stand up to his standards.

The script is not well written and then you got this stupid mature topic.
Alice getting older and realizing at the end she's growing up: the caterpillar becoming a butterfly... she's joining the company his father worked at... she's forgetting again if it's a fictional world or not, till the end you don't get it because of this poor script.
All written with not a great style, it's seems a collage of paragraphs.
The stupid dragon battle (it meant maybe: fighting your fears? who knows). Maybe the book is taken from, is far better.
The first book was a twisted story, written when carroll was high for sure lol, I gotta read this second one.
Anyway it's rather poor, poor 3d stuff (I wasted 11.5 euros for this)
Highlights: anyway very cool photography and a very hot cadaveric Anne Hathaway lol
district 9

finally watched it
would have rated it a 10 but i wanted another 2 hours of it :D gonna have to fork out for this on bluray, bit skint at the moment but ill find some pennies and buy it asap. does anyone know if blurays are all region free or if they're like DVDs in that PAL (region 2) has frames cut out and is therefore faster? like i cant watch region 2 dvds anymore, they scare me with how fast they go, once you tune in to the difference between region 1 and 2 films you can never go back, i swear, and if im gonna fork out for this on bluray i wanna be sure that im not getting some shitty sped up version.
Legion - 4/10

It fails as a concept movie simply because the concept is so lame. "Hey, let's make GOD the bad guy and totally invert everything that mentions Him in the Bible." Worse still, the movie deviates from a true inversion of that concept to cheesy zombie-esqe plot line. Now I love zombie movies, I love concept movies, heck I even love concept zombie movies. But when you place the zombie element in a concept movie because you're out of ideas is cheesy.

Paul Bettany does a great job, I'm a fan of his work. Doug Jones makes a cameo, but unfortunately yet again we have a trailer that shows the entire cameo role leaving the audience feeling jipped. I give the movie a 4 because of the acting and visual FX.

Book of Eli - 8/10

Well needed fresh look at a post-apocolyptic world. Denzel is doing what Denzel does best, acting like a tough mofo that takes bull from no one. Gary Oldman does what he does best, a creepy and slightly disturbed bad guy. The soundtrack is GREAT but a little repetitive. Not the world's strongest hidden plot point in the end but it was decent.
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell - 3/10

Mildly entertaining, having read the book and enjoyed it I figured it'd be pretty solid... but just fucking horrid storyline/arch/character development/line delivery/etc... pretty bad :(
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell - 3/10

Mildly entertaining, having read the book and enjoyed it I figured it'd be pretty solid... but just fucking horrid storyline/arch/character development/line delivery/etc... pretty bad :(

the book of the film is always worse, good rule of thumb bro ;)
Law Abiding Citizen - 7/10

not bad. interesting, yet imo a bit of a stretch in places. jamie foxx's performance left me lacking in a few places...
the book of the film is always worse, good rule of thumb bro ;)

Got that one backwards :lol:.

The book is a series of stories about this dudes insane partying endeavours, so I figured it'd be cool. I've seen him do stand-up and give speeches and his shit is hilariously funny, and I thought his screen play would follow suit. Just depressing :(.
Got that one backwards :lol:.

The book is a series of stories about this dudes insane partying endeavours, so I figured it'd be cool. I've seen him do stand-up and give speeches and his shit is hilariously funny, and I thought his screen play would follow suit. Just depressing :(.

oops, so i did

also watched dark city yesterday. not sure whether i think it was brilliant or a pile of shit. o_O cool ideas wrapped up in bad acting and a glorified music video