Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Alice - 6/10

Gotta disagree with the earlier poster about it being better than Avatar. Avatar was great. Alice was "okay" at best... much of the story in the movie is pointless and seems to get the themes of the originals entirely wrong. It was an okay way to pass the time, slightly entertaining visuals, etc., but nothing worth talking about later. I liked the cheshire cat though... that character probably best matches the original compared to any of the others.

The Wrestler - 7.5/10

Pretty good movie. I can't say I really think it's great, because the subject of the movie isn't that appealing to me. I'm not into wrestling, but overall it was well done. Mickey Rourke was great as always. It did a good job of showing how pointless and sad many peoples lives end up... very depressing (it's meant to be). I love Darren Aronofosky's other movies. Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain are fucking great... especially The Fountain...
Alice in wonderland 5/10
New burton movie sucks plain and simple. I'm huge burton fan but this doens't stand up to his standards.

The script is not well written and then you got this stupid mature topic.
Alice getting older and realizing at the end she's growing up: the caterpillar becoming a butterfly... she's joining the company his father worked at... she's forgetting again if it's a fictional world or not, till the end you don't get it because of this poor script.
All written with not a great style, it's seems a collage of paragraphs.
The stupid dragon battle (it meant maybe: fighting your fears? who knows). Maybe the book is taken from, is far better.
The first book was a twisted story, written when carroll was high for sure lol, I gotta read this second one.
Anyway it's rather poor, poor 3d stuff (I wasted 11.5 euros for this)
Highlights: anyway very cool photography and a very hot cadaveric Anne Hathaway lol

The bit at the very end about continuing her father's work was really stupid... totally pointless book-end...

The battle was stupid too... again, pointless.

The movie was not originally planned for 3D, but instead converted over to it in post-production. That's why it wasn't all that impressive...

It wasn't the worst movie ever or anything, but I think people like you and I are disappointed, because it could be so much better. I guess it was meant to be a re-imagining of Through The Looking Glass, but the new story was really contrived... just done really poorly...
The Wrestler - 7.5/10

Pretty good movie. I can't say I really think it's great, because the subject of the movie isn't that appealing to me. I'm not into wrestling, but overall it was well done. Mickey Rourke was great as always. It did a good job of showing how pointless and sad many peoples lives end up... very depressing (it's meant to be). I love Darren Aronofosky's other movies. Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain are fucking great... especially The Fountain...

Yeah I didn't really get all the hubbub about The Wrestler. Mickey Rourke was great but one good performance doth not a great movie make.
Just didn't really feel like a very well developed piece to me *shrug*

Requiem for a Dream is a beast though \o/ never saw the fountain
Yeah I didn't really get all the hubbub about The Wrestler. Mickey Rourke was great but one good performance doth not a great movie make.
Just didn't really feel like a very well developed piece to me *shrug*

Requiem for a Dream is a beast though o/ never saw the fountain

Dude, Gareth... go watch The Fountain. Right now.

That goes for everybody in this thread that's never seen it. GO WATCH THE FOUNTAIN. One of the best films I've ever seen...
The first Hostel was already a big shit, just free gore. So the 2 couldnt be much better!lol

Shutter Island - 10/10
Rear Window - 10/10