Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!



Choda Boy: "Need a Hand?!?!"

Mortal Kombat : Annihilation 5/10
CGI monsters propably looked dated even back when it was released
District 9 - 8/10
Great movie! Much better than I expected. I really enjoy the realism of the movie. I mean, the setting is absurd, but the way people behave and deal with the matter is very plausible. Great action scenes, settings and plot. Two thumbs up for the gore and epic use of gravity gun on pig scene.

Shutter Island - 6/10
Nice movie. Can´t go much wrong with Scorsese. Lots of twists and great atmosphere. The beggining reminds me Batman Arkham Asylum videogame.

Choke - 7/10
Decent adaptation of an awesome book by Chuck Palahniuk. It didn´t have the grit and style of The Fight Club movie, but at least they didn´t screw things up in terms of plot and dialogues when compared to the book.
Teeth - 5/10 .. Laughed a lot of the reactions when the guys got their dick bitten off hehe :erk:.

The strangers - 6.5/10 Bleh, kinda random horror/thriller movie

The killing room - 7/10 enjoy these kind of movies even tho the plot was kinda thin

hot rod - 8/10 lame but funny :)